Population policy in Slovenia: From the passive observation to the active mitigation towards sustainable population development

  • Janez Malačič Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Keywords: population policy, Slovenia, European Union, sustainable population development


The population policy (PP) of Slovenia and its transition from the second Yugoslavia to the European Union (EU) is analysed in the paper. Recent demographic developments in Slovenia and EU have brought numerous population policy challenges. Therefore, EU has prepared different green papers tackling PP issues. Migration, population ageing and its consequences, adequate pensions as well as the return to the demographic growth and sustainable generation replacement have been more important issues covered. The EU PP developments have been hardly noticed in Slovenia. Consequently, PP paradigm change is necessary in Slovenia. The country needs a shift from passive adaptation to intensive demographic changes to active mitigation of long-term sustainable population development


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Author Biography

Janez Malačič, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ljubljana, Slovenia: janez.malacic@ef.uni-lj.si

How to Cite
Malačič J. (2022). Population policy in Slovenia: From the passive observation to the active mitigation towards sustainable population development . Anali PAZU HD, 1(1), 19-26. https://doi.org/10.18690/analipazuhd.1.1.19-26.2015