Using Didactic Enclosures as Teaching Methods and Social Forms for Active Learning in Chemical Education

  • Darinka Sikošek Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko
Keywords: didactic game method, didactic enclosures for games, didactic video method, didactic enclosures for video, teaching aids, “Periodic Table in Cube”, programmed sequences, individualised group learning, group learning sheet, individualised learning sheets


Innovative teaching and learning can be defined as the effective use of various didactic materials combined with the methods and social forms of active learning. We carried out an evaluation of didactic enclosures as the initial stage in the methodology of our scientific strategy for researching the project "Didactic Redevelopment of Chemical Education in Slovenian Elementary Education". To obtain the results of our evaluation of didactic enclosures we concentrated on the innovative approach of using enclosures for just games and video. These types of enclosures are used in didactic game methods and video methods, as well as various problem-solving sheets (individual and group) that are typically used for individualised group work. We put special emphasis on furthering the development of programmed sequences, which are essential in effectively utilizing the wellknown teaching aid called the "Periodic Table in Cube".


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Author Biography

Darinka Sikošek, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko

Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta:

How to Cite
Sikošek D. (2008). Using Didactic Enclosures as Teaching Methods and Social Forms for Active Learning in Chemical Education. Journal of Elementary Education, 1(3/4), 115-122. Retrieved from
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