Stališča bodočih vzgojiteljic do ustvarjalnosti

  • Tina Štemberger Univerza na Primorskem, Pedagoška fakulteta
Keywords: future preschool teacher, creativity, children’s creativeness, factors of creativity


Views of Future Preschool Teachers on Creativity. The first part of this paper focuses on creativity, the factors that influence creativity, and on creativity in education, with a special emphasis on preschool education. In the second part, we present the results of an empirical research study in which we wanted to identify the views and positions of future preschool teachers on creativity, factors of creativity, and children’s creativeness. The study showed that future preschool teachers mainly believe that not all people are creative, and neither are all children. But they believe that creative children have many opportunities to develop their creative potential in kindergarten. They consider family to be the most important factor in fostering and developing a child’s creativeness.


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Author Biography

Tina Štemberger, Univerza na Primorskem, Pedagoška fakulteta

Koper, Slovenia. E-mail:

How to Cite
Štemberger T. (2013). Stališča bodočih vzgojiteljic do ustvarjalnosti. Journal of Elementary Education, 6(2/3), 101-114. Retrieved from
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