Madžari o reformaciji v Slovenski krajini
Hungarians about the Reformation in the Slovene March (Slovenska krajina)
In the 18th Century, the Slovenian Protestant writers from Prekmurje in the western part of the Kingdom of Hungary cooperated with the Hungarian and German evangelicals. The time of the creation of the most important works, their content, message and text types indicate that they were closely connected, and all of them strongly attached to the German pietists. The study presents the views of Hungarian evangelicals and researchers on the contribution of their coreligionists from Prekmurje and their attitude towards them. The Hungarian authors emphasized that they do not understand Prekmurian, which hindered them in the thorough analysis of the authors and their works, however, they provided valuable data, representing an important source for Slovene researchers as well.
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János MELICH, 1903: A magyarországi vend (szlovén) nyelvű irodalom bibliográfiája. Magyar Könyvszemle. Budapest: Athenaeum. 426–449.
Ágoston PÁVEL, 2013: A Vend nyelvtan. Maribor: Mednarodna založba Oddelka za slovanske jezike in književnosti, Filozofska fakulteta. (Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 100).
Sándor PAYR, 1924: A Dunántúli evangélikus egyházkerület története I. Sopron.
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