Uresničevanje dvojezičnega izobraževanja gluhih otrok v slovenskem šolskem sistemu

  • Matic Pavlič Center for the Development of Slovene Sign Language
Keywords: slovenian sign language, deaf children education, language acquisition, bilingualism, cochlear implant, inclusion


Advances in Bilingual Education for Deaf Children in Slovenia

Deaf children may receive different types of education that differ with respect to the language used in class and the degree of inclusion in ordinary school system. In Slovenian schools, the deaf children are not necessarily provided with an input of a fully perceivable language while the professionals do not receive enough updated information about the advances in bilingual and bimodal education of the deaf. This article aims to fill these two gaps and put forth the arguments for above mentioned approach.


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Author Biography

Matic Pavlič, Center for the Development of Slovene Sign Language

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: mato.pavlic@gmail.com


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How to Cite
Pavlič M. (2020). Uresničevanje dvojezičnega izobraževanja gluhih otrok v slovenskem šolskem sistemu. Slavia Centralis, 11(2), 251–262. https://doi.org/10.18690/scn.11.2.251–262.2018