Eric P. Hamp (1920–2019). A life in words and stuff
V prispevku je opisano delo pokojnega ameriškega jezikoslovca Erica P. Hampa, ki predstavlja vodilno avtoriteto indoevropskega jezikoslovja.
– –, 1975: On the Dual Inflections in Slovene. Slavistična revija 23/1, 67–70.
– –, 1981: ‘Bread’ in Southeast Europe. Romance Philology 34/4, 434.
– –, 1988: Indo-European o-Grade Deverbal Thematics in Slovene. Slovene Studies 10/1, 65–70.
– –, 1989a: Yugoslavia—a Crossroads of Sprachbünde. Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 25, 44–47.
– –, 1989b: On Signs of Health and Death. Investigating obsolescence: studies in language contraction and death. Ed. Nancy Dorian. (Studies in the Social and Cultural Foundations of language, 7). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
– –, 1991: Per un alfabeto resiano pratico (con esempi dalla declinazione nominale). Ed. Han Steenwijk, Fondamenti per una grammatica pratica resiana. Padova: CLEUP. 55–66.
– –, 1996: The Word a from Brižinski spomeniki. Zbornik Brižinski spomeniki. Eds. Janko Kos, Franc Jakopin, and Jože Faganel. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti. 471–472.
– –, 1997: Notes on Slovene and Slavic Etymology. Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies 1, 160–162.
– –, 2004: Three Brief Studies: Slovene and Albanian. Linguistica 44/1, 3–6.
– –, 2007: Resian Pëňt’/Pëgnt’ ‘Stone, Cliff’. Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies 6, 307–309.
– –, 2011a: Indo-European ‘ego’, Slavic ja = Runic ek, and Celtic Ø. Slavia Centralis IV/1, 5–13.
– –, 2011b: Slavic *mokrъ, Irish ainmech ‘wet, rain’. Slavia Centralis IV/1, 69–71.
Graydon MEGAN, 2019: Eric Hamp, U. of C. Linguist Who Studied How Languages Changed, Dies at 98. Chicago Tribune, 1 March 2019 (online edition). Accessed 13 April 2020.
Oleg N. TRUBAČEV (ed.), 1987: Ètimologičeskij slovar’ slavjanskix jazykov. Praslavjanskij leksičeskij fond 13 (*kroměžirъ—*kyžiti). Moscow: Nauka.
Robert WRIGHT, 1991: Quest for the Mother Tongue. The Atlantic Monthly 267, April, 39–68.
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