Indo‑European 'ego’, Slavic ja = Runic ek, and Celtic Ø

  • Eric P. Hamp University of Chicago, Department of Linguistics
Keywords: etymology, personal pronouns, Indo-European, ProtoBalto-Slavic, Celtic


The paper gives a new account of the development of the first person singular pronoun in Indo-European languages, finding innovating areals (1) Anatolian *VK; (2) South-East Indo-European (Indo-Iranian, Armenian) *eg’-H-ém; (3) Greek, Latin, Venetic *eg’-(ó)H; (4) North I-E (Albanian, Baltic, Slavic, Germanic, Thracian, Tocharian) *eg’.


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Author Biography

Eric P. Hamp, University of Chicago, Department of Linguistics

Chicago, USA. E-mail:


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How to Cite
P. Hamp E. (2020). Indo‑European ’ego’, Slavic ja = Runic ek, and Celtic Ø. Slavia Centralis, 4(1), 5–13.–13.2011

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