Tezaver slovenskega ljudskega jezika na Koroškem – dokaz živosti graške slavistike

  • Ludvik Karničar University of Graz, Institute of Slavic Studies
Keywords: lexical inventory, Thesaurus, Slovene dialects in Carinthia, Slavic Studies in Graz, project


The Thesaurus of Slovene Dialects in Carinthia – an Indication of the Vitality of Slavic Studies in Graz

The article deals with the long-term dialectological project of creating a lexical inventory of the Slovene Volkssprache in Carinthia and presents some results of this project: the work on the Thesaurus (as of 2009 six volumes from A to K have been published; the seventh volume, L–M, is currently in preparation) and the lexical cartography illustrating the spread of selected diatopic synonyms in Austrian Carinthia.


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Author Biography

Ludvik Karničar, University of Graz, Institute of Slavic Studies

Graz, Austria. E-mail: ludwig.karnicar@uni-graz.at


Urban JARNIK, 1826: Andeutungen über Kärntens Germanisirung. Carinthia 16 (po: Baum Wilhelm (ur.), 2009: Urban Jarnik. Romantik, Nationalismus und Panslawismus in Kärnten. Klagenfurt – Wien. Kitab-Verlag. 88.
Stanislaus HAFNER, Erich PRUNČ (ur.), 1980: Lexikalische Inventarisierung der slowenischen Volkssprache in Kärnten (Grundsätzliches und Allgemeines). Graz: Institut für Slawistik der Universität Graz.
How to Cite
Karničar L. (2020). Tezaver slovenskega ljudskega jezika na Koroškem – dokaz živosti graške slavistike. Slavia Centralis, 3(2), 80–86. https://doi.org/10.18690/scn.3.2.80–86.2010