Making paradigms of verbs and adjectives using a dialect corpus

  • Chitsuko Fukushima University of Niigata Prefecture
Keywords: dialect corpus, morphology, paradigms, verbs, adjectives


The author has been involved in the making of a dialect dictionary of Tokunoshima, Amami, Japan, using a dialect corpus. The analysis of the dialect corpus and face-to-face interviews were combined to obtain the paradigms of verbs and adjectives to be included in the multimedia dialect dictionary. Sentences in the corpus were cut into phrases and verbs were identified and sorted into lists of verbs. The lists were examined to find patterns of verb conjugation. All conjugated forms were examined regarding succeeding forms, and, based on the distribution, a conjugated form was chosen as an entry. In Japanese, verbs and adjectives belong to the same syntactic category and adjectives change their forms as verbs do. Thus the same procedure was repeated concerning adjectives, and patterns and paradigms of adjective inflection were found.


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Author Biography

Chitsuko Fukushima, University of Niigata Prefecture

Niigata, Japan. E-mail:


Takahiro OKAMURA, Motoei SAWAKI, Yumi NAKAJIMA, Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA and Satoshi KIKUCHI, 2009: The Dictionary of Two Thousand Sentences of the Tokunoshima Dialect, Revised Version. Matsumoto: Association of Tokunoshima Dialect.
Motoei SAWAKI, Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA and Yumi NAKAJIMA, 2003: "Dialect Corpus as a Resource for Dialect Dictionary" A paper presented at 4th International Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists, Riga, Latvia.
Motoei SAWAKI, Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA and Yumi NAKAJIMA, 2006: "Dialect Corpus as a Resource for Dialect Dictionary" In: Proceedings of 4th International Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists, Riga. Riga: Latvian Language Institute, University of Latvia. 431–438.
Motoei SAWAKI, Yuki NAKAJIMA and Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA, 2006: "Making Multimedia Dialect Dictionary as a Database with Indexes and Cross-references" At 5th International Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists, Minho, Portugal.
How to Cite
Fukushima C. (2020). Making paradigms of verbs and adjectives using a dialect corpus. Slavia Centralis, 3(1), 124–131.–131.2010