Dvojinske in pluralizirane oblike v slovenskih narečjih

  • Tjaša Jakop ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language
Keywords: dual, pluralisation, Slovene dialects, dialect morphology, dialectology


Dual and Pluraliszed Forms in Slovene Dialects

The dual is a mandatory element of Contemporary Standard Slovene and also appears in the majority of Slovene dialects to varying degrees. As we shall see, some dialects are witnessing a gradual disappearance of the dual and its replacement by plural forms. In colloquial Slovene, which is by and large the spoken language of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, the dual is still used for masculine nouns, while dual forms for feminine nouns have been replaced by the plural. The geographical extent of dual use is presented also statistically (statistics on dual use of noun and verb).


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Author Biography

Tjaša Jakop, ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: tjasa.jakop@zrc-sazu.si


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How to Cite
Jakop T. (2020). Dvojinske in pluralizirane oblike v slovenskih narečjih. Slavia Centralis, 3(1), 74–87. https://doi.org/10.18690/scn.3.1.74–87.2010