Deveta dežela, podobi pojugoslovanske sedanjosti in antiutopična podoba (evropske?) prihodnosti

  • Mladen Pavičić Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Arts
Keywords: Nove Fužine, language of immigrants, Slovene language, sociolekt, utopia, antiutopia


Deveta dežela/The Ninth Country, images of post-Yugoslav present and an anti-utopian image of the (European?) future

The central theme of this article is the post-Yugoslavic multilinguism of the block settlement Nove Fužine in Ljubljana, as it is presented in the novels Fužinski bluz by Andrej Skubic and Čefurji raus! by Goran Vojnović. The introduction includes some interesting thoughts about Europe, Slovene language and Slavic democratic self-government from the utopian The Ninth Land by Josip Stritar, while the conclusion presents a few thoughts on the modern antiutopian Change Me by Andrej Blatnik, where the dark vision of the future does not concern the Slovene language.


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Author Biography

Mladen Pavičić, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Arts

Budapest, Hungary. E-mail:


Andrej BLATNIK, 2008: Spremeni me. Maribor: Litera.
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Jan Jona JAVORŠEK, 2005: Socialni nadrealizem. Fužinski bluz. Gledališki list SNG Drama. Ur. Jan Jona Javoršek. Ljubljana: SNG Drama Ljubljana. 66–70.
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Rastko MOČNIK, 2005: Kjer je Ljubljana skoraj metropola. Fužinski bluz. Gledališki list SNG Drama. Ur. Jan Jona Javoršek. Ljubljana: SNG Drama Ljubljana. 26–28.
Andrej E. SKUBIC, 2001: Fužinski bluz. Ljubljana: Študentska založba.
Josip STRITAR, 1954: Zbrano delo 4. Ur. France Koblar. Ljubljana: DZS.
Goran VOJNOVIĆ, 2008: Čefurji raus! Ljubljana: Študentska založba.
Wikipedija: Nove Fužine, 24. april 2009.
How to Cite
Pavičić M. (2020). Deveta dežela, podobi pojugoslovanske sedanjosti in antiutopična podoba (evropske?) prihodnosti. Slavia Centralis, 2(2), 182–192.–192.2009