Paralely mezi slovinským a českým dramatem 60. let
Parallels between Slovenian and Czech poetic drama in the 1960s
This article concentrates on the parallels between Slovene and Czech poetic drama in the nineteen sixties. I recognise similarities between the playwrights Dane Zajc, Josef Topol, and Gregor Strniša. Comparative analysis of Zajc’s and Topol’s texts exposes similar intimate themes, such as motives of love and the phenomena of time. The most vivid comparison is between Topol’s play Slavík v večeří and Strniša’s play Ljudožerci. In both plays, the dramatic plot is constructed as grotesque and absurd play. The dramatic perspective shows the experience of the absurd in the world.
Denis PONIŽ, 2001: Dramatika: Slovenska književnost III, (autoři J. Pogačnik, S. Borovnik, d. Dolinar, D. Poniž, I. Saksida, M. Stanovnik, M. Štuhec, F. Zadravec). Ljubljana: Državna založba.
Marketa GOETZ-STANKIEWICZ, 1979: The silenced Theatre. Czech Playwrights without a Stage. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Jože KORUZA, Franc ZADRAVEC, 1967: Slovenska književnost 1945–1965. Druga knjiga. Dramatika ter knjižna esejistika in kritika. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica.
Jože KORUZA, 1997: Slovenska dramatika od začetkov do sodobnosti: literarnozgodovinske razprave. Ljubljana: Mihelač.
Barbara MAZÁČOVÁ (red.), 1993: Josef Topol a Divadlo za branou. Praha: Český spisovatel.
Jan LEHÁR, Alexandr STICH, Jaroslava JANÁČKOVÁ, Jiří HOLÝ (red.), 1998: Česká literatura od počátku k dnešku. Praha: Nakladatelství lidové noviny.
Pavel JANOUŠEK a kolektiv, 2008: Dějiny české literatury 1945–1989, III. 1958–1969, Praha: Academia. O divadle, [samizdatový sborník], 1987: [neuvedení redaktoři]. Praha.
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