Metafizika bede (Attila József, A. B. Šimić, Srečko Kosovel)
Metaphysic of Misery (Attila József, A. B. Šimić, Srečko Kosovel)
Expressionism was the most influential artistic movement among the Central-European Avantgarde. It developed at almost the same time as it did in Hungarian, Croatian, and Slovenian literature and was based on "hybrid-poetical construction" with German inspiration. This fact in itself might have formed a reason for analysis of the region’s literatures; however, this has not yet been completed.
Béla N. HORVÁTH, 1992: »Egy kis márványból rak falut …«. József Attila és a folklór. Budapest: Babits Kiadó.
Marko JUVAN, 2003: Srečko Kosovel med moderno, avantgardo in modernizmom. Literarni izzivi. Maribor: SAZU. Univerza Maribor – Pedagoška fakulteta. 106–122.
Matevž KOS, 1997: Kako brati Kosovela. Srečko Kosovel: Izbrane pesmi. Ljubljana: Založba Mladinska knjiga. 129–165.
Srečko KOSOVEL, 1964: Zbrano delo I. (2. izdaja). Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije.
Ivan Goran KOVAČIĆ, 1975: Pjesnik tijela i siromaha. Novele, pjesme, eseji, kritike i feljtoni. Zagreb: Zora. Matica hrvatska. (Pet stoljeća hrvatske književnosti 135).
Cvjetko MILANJA, 2000: Pjesništvo hrvatskog ekspresionizma. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska.
Boris A. NOVAK, 2005: Kosovel, velik pesnik in slab verzifikator. Primerjalna književnost (posebna številka), 7–17.
Miklós SZABOLCSI, 1977: Érik a fény. József Attila élete és pályája 1923–1927. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 311–312.
Antun Branko ŠIMIĆ, 1960: Sabrana djela. Knjiga III. Proza II. Zagreb: Znanje.
Franc ZADRAVEC, 1986: Srečko Kosovel (1904–1926). Koper, Trst: Založba Lipa in Založništvo tržaškega tiska.
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