Reactions in American print media to Adamic’s book The Native’s Return
The article presents a description of the reactions to Adamic’s book The Native’s Return in the American newspapers. The book was published in February 1934 in many copies; several reprints followed. The book is the result of Adamic’s visit to Yugoslavia as a Guggenheim Fellow in 1932 and 1933. After the assassination of the Yugoslav King Aleksandar on October
9, 1934, the book was a must-read for Americans interested in the situation in the then Yugoslavia. The authors outlined some positive reviews, which were published in leading American newspapers and magazines. They recommended the book to the readers for its good English, as well as content. In addition to the positive reviews, the authors also described some negative reactions which did not harm Adamic’s book, but promoted it further.
Louis ADAMIC, 1934: The Native’s Return: An American Immigrant visits Yugoslavia and Discovers his Old Country. New York: London: Harper & Brothers.
‒ ‒, 1934a: King was a Tyrant, Louis Adamic Holds. New York Times 84/28018, E17 (10. 10. 1934).
‒ ‒, 1938: My America: 1928–1938. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers.
Louis ADAMIČ, 1963: Vrnitev v rodni kraj. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba.
‒ ‒, 1981: Smeh v džungli. Ljubljana: Založba Borec.
‒ ‒, 1981a: I. F. Lupis-Vukiću. Izbrana pisma Louisa Adamiča: ob tridesetletnici smrti. Ur. Henry Christian. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba.
Silvija BOROVNIK, 2018: Avtobiografija, potopis, avtobiografska potopisna in fiktivna proza Alme Karlin. Slavia Centralis 11/1, 11‒32.
‒ ‒, 2016: Medkulturnost v romanu Maje Haderlap Engel des Vergessens, Angel pozabe in strategija prevoda v slovenščino. Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich 7/1, 303‒326.
‒ ‒, 2018: Alma Karlin, svojevrstna pisateljska osebnost. Slavia Centralis 7/1, 86‒94.
Clarence J. BROWN, 1944: 78th Congress, 2nd Session Vol. 90, Part 2, Bound Edition. Congressional Record 78/2, 2601 (13. 3. 1944). Dostop 3. 2. 2022 na
Fred E. BUSBEY, 1944: 78th Congress, 2nd Session Vol. 90, Part 2, Bound Edition, Congressional Record 78/2, 2548–2549 (13. 3. 1944). Dostop 3. 2. 2022 na
John CHAMBERLAIN, 1934: The Book of the Times. New York Times 83/27767, E 17. (1. 2. 1934).
Kyle CRICHTON, 1934: The Home Land. Scribners 47/3, 2–3 (March 1934).
Harold DE WOLF FULLER, 1934: Among the Outstanding Books of the Week. The Literary Digest 117/7, 46 (17. 2. 1934).
Leonora FLIS, 2021: Med leposlovjem in poročanjem. Sodobnost 85/10, 1279–1292.
Vatroslav GRILL, 1979: Med dvema svetovoma. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga.
Maja HADERLAP, 2011: Engel des Vergessens. Göttingen: Wallstein.
Vida JESENŠEK, 2019: Sprache und Stil der Selbstdarstellung in der Autobiographie Ein Mensch wird von Alma M. Karlin. Sprache und Stil im Werk von Alma M. Karlin. Ur. Vida Jesenšek, Horst Ehrhardt. (Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 131). Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze. 107‒136.
Vida JESENŠEK, Horst EHRHARDT, 2019: Sprachlich-stilistische Zugänge zu ausgewählten literarischen Werken von Alma M. Karlin. Sprache und Stil im Werk von Alma M. Karlin. Ur. Vida Jesenšek, Horst Ehrhardt. (Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 131). Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze. 9‒29.
Edna KENTON, 1934: America in Jugoslavia. The Nation 138/ 3583, 280–281 (7. 3. 1934).
Maria KHRAMOVA, 2012: Russian Borrowing in the Volga German Dialect in Russell County, Kansas. Slavia Centralis 5/1, 86‒103.
Matjaž KLEMENČIČ in Milan MRĐENOVIĆ, 2020: Louis Adamič in druga svetovna vojna v ameriški in slovenski historiografiji. Dve domovini 2020/51, 77–94.
Matjaž KLEMENČIČ, 1981: Politično delo Luisa Adamiča. Teorija in praksa 18/9, 1054−1068.
‒ ‒, 1983: Stiki Tesle in Adamiča v zadnjem letu Teslovega življenja. Naši razgledi 32/5, 132–133.
‒ ‒, 2001: Adamič, Louis (1898–1951). Journalist, writer and community activist Slovene. Making It in America: A Sourcebook on Eminent Ethnic Americans. 3–4.
‒ ‒, 2001a: Tesla, Nikola (1856–1943): Scientist and inventor Serbian. Making it in America: A Sourcebook on Eminent Ethnic Americans. 371–372.
Wilbur NEEDHAM, 1934: Adventures in Slovenia. The Los Angeles Times 53/49, 36 (18. februar 1934).
NYT 1934 = Book Barred by Belgrade. New York Times 83/27811, 13 (17. 3. 1934).
NYT 1934a = The Glowing Story of a Man’s Return to His Home Land. New York Times 83/27777, E3 (11. 2. 1934).
Alicia PATTERSON, 1934: Tale of a Slovene Boy Who Made Good. Daily News 9/8, 219 (4. 2. 1934).
Jerneja PETRIČ, 1981: Svetovi Louisa Adamiča. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba.
‒ ‒, 2004: Louis Adamic and The Book-of-the-Month Club. Acta neophilologica 37/1–2, 9–15.
Henry SEIDEL CANBY, 1934: An Immigrant Goes Back to the Balkans. The Saturday Review 10/29, 445, 450 (3. 2. 1934).
Tone SMOLEJ, 2006: Poglavje iz zgodovine Ljubljanskega zvona. Slavistična revija 54/4, 639–648.
Nikola TESLA, 1934: Tribute to King Alexander. New York Times 84/28029, E5 (21. 10. 1934).
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‒ ‒, 1999: Louis Adamič. Slovenska izseljenska književnost 2. Severna Amerika. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU. 214–220.
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