Zmote o usvajanju funkcionalne pismenosti v e-okolju in nove naloge didaktike slovenščine
Razmišljanja o kurikulih za materinščino v šoli za 21. stoletje v zadnjem desetletju pogosto izhajajo iz nekaterih zmot o generaciji Z. Digitalni domorodci, kot jih imenujejo, naj ne bi več potrebovali zmožnosti linearnega branja, tipkovnica naj bi popolnoma nadomestila pisalo in, kar je najbolj nevarno, otroci naj bi dandanes razvili zmožnost funkcionalne pismenosti v e-okolju samodejno, zato jih tega v šoli ni treba učiti. Relevantna teoretična spoznanja in empirične raziskave pa kažejo, da so vsa tri prepričanja zmotna in da ne bi smela vplivati na oblikovanje novih kurikulov za materinščino.
Richard ANDERSON, 1994: Role of readers’ schema in comprehension, learning, and memory. Theoretical models and processes of reading. Ur. Robert Ruddell, Martha Rapp Ruddell, Harry Singer. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Elizabeth BAKER, 2010: The new literacies: Multiple perspectives on research and practice. New York, NY: Guilford.
Paco CALVO, Antoni GOMILA, 2012: Handbook of cognitive science: An embodied approach. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Julie COIRO, Elizabeth DOBLER, 2007: Exploring the online reading comprehension strategies used by sixth-grade skilled readers to search for and locate information on the Internet. Rading Research Quartery 42/2, 214–257.
Julie COIRO, 2011: Predicting reading comprehension on the Internet: Contributions of offline reading skills, online reading skills, and prior knowledge. Journal of Literacy Research 43/4, 352–392.
Pablo DELAGADO, Christina VARGAS, Rakefet ACKERMAN, Ladislao SALMERON, 2018: Don’t throw away your printed books: A meta-analysis on the effects of reading media on reading comprehension. Educational Research Review 25, 23–38.
Evolution of Reading in Age of Digitisation (ERead). Dostop 23. 9. 2020 na
Leonardo FOGASSI, Vittorio GALESSE, 2004: Action as a binding key to multisensory integration. The handbook of multisensory process. Ur. Gemma A. Calvert, Charles Spence, Barry E. Stein. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Margaret GALLEGO, Sandra HOLLINGSWORTH, 1992: Multiple literacies: Teachers’ evolving perceptions. Language Arts 69/3, 206–213.
Raymond W. GIBBS, 2005: Embodiment and cognitive science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Susan GOLDIN-MEADOW, 2003: Hearing gesture: how our hands help us think. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Daniel KAHNEMAN D, 2011: Thinking, Fast and Slow. Farrar: Straus and Giroux.
Kyra KAMILOFF, Anette KAMILOFF-SMITH, 2001: Pathways to language. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Markus KIEFER, Natalie M. TRUMPP, 2012: Embodiment theory and education: The foundations of cognition in perception and action. Trends in Neuroscience in Education 1/1, 15–20.
Metka KORDIGEL ABERŠEK, Kosta DOLENC, Andrej FLOGIE, Ana KORITNIK, 2015: The new literacies of online research and comprehension: to teach or not to teach. Journal of Baltic Science Education 14/4, 460–473.
Metka KORDIGEL ABERŠEK, Boris ABERŠEK, Andrej FLOGIE, 2018: Writing versus typing during science teaching: case study in Slovenia. Journal of Baltic science education 17/1, 84–96.
Metka KORDIGEL ABERŠEK, Boris ABERŠEK, 2013: A reading curriculum for the Homo zappiens generation: new challenges, new goals. Journal of Baltic science education 12/1, 92–106.
Donald J. LEU, Julie COIRO, Jill CASTEK, Douglas K. HARTMANN, Laure A. HENRY, David REINKING, 2008: New Literacies of Online Reading Comprehension. Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practices. Ur. Cathy Collins Block, Sheri R. Parris, Peter Afflerbach. New York: Guilford Press.
Donald J. LEU, Elena FORZANI, Chris ROADS, Cheryl MAYKEL, Clint KENNEDY, Nicole TIMBRELL, 2014: The New Literacies of Online Research and Comprehension: Rethinking the Reading Achievement Gap. Reading Research Quarterly 0/0, 1‒23.
Donald J. LEU, Elena FORZANI, Clint KENNEDY, 2015: Income inequality and the online reading achievement gap: Teaching our way to success with online research and comprehension. The Reading Teacher 68, 422–427.
Marieke LONGCAMP, Jean-Luc ANTON, Muriel ROTH, Jean-Luc VELAY, 2005: Premotor activations in response to visually presented single letters depend on the hand used to write: A study in left-handlers. Neuropsychologia 43/12, 1801–1809.
Marieke LONGCAMP, Celine BOUCARD, Jean-Claude GILHODES, Jean-Luc ANTON, Muriel ROTH, Bruno NAZARIAN, Jean-Luc VELAY, 2008: Learning through hand- or typewriting influences visual recognition of new graphics shapes: Behavioural and functional imaging evidence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 20/5, 802–815.
Anne MANGEN, Jean-Luc VELAY, 2010: Digitalizing literacy: Reflections on the haptics of writing. Advances in Haptics. Ur. Mehrdad H. ZADEH. Vienna: IN-TECH web.
Anne MANGEN, Liss G. ANDA, Gunn OXBOROUGH, Kolbjorn BRØNNICK, 2015: Handwriting versus typewriting. Effect on word recall. Journal of Writing Research 7/2, 227–247.
Pam A. MUELLER, Daniel M. OPPENHEIMER, 2014: The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking. Psychological Science 25/6, 1159–1168.
John PALFREY, Urs GASSER, 2008: Born digital: Understanding the first generation of digital natives. New York: Basic books.
Mark PRENSKY, 2001: Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon 9/5, 1–6.
Rand SPIRO, 2004: Principled pluralism for adaptive flexibility in teaching and learning. Theoretical models and processes of reading. Ur. Robert B. RUDDELL, Norman UNRAU. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Lawrence SHAPIRO, 2010: Embodied cognition. New York: Routledge.
Ana M. TABOADA BARBER, John T. GUTHRIE, 2006: Contributions of Student Questioning and Prior Knowledge to Construction of Knowledge from Reading Information Text. Journal of Literacy Research 38/1, 1–35.
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