Radmila DYTRTOVA. Results of acquiring didactic competence during teachers´ training courses.
Pavel KRPALEK. Information skills in the education.
Jiri VOTAVA. Analyses of teachers´ problems in the European context.
Francisco Ortiz BERROCAL, L.P. NAGER, V.O. SOMOVILLA and G. LEVEQUE. Leonardo Pilot Project VIVRE (Enhancing Life Initiatives trough Training in the Rural Territories of Europe).
Drahomira OUDOVA. The difference of social competence between students of technical schools and the schools of humanities.
Križ EMIL. Teaching performance in the lessons of practical training during pedagogical practice of IEC students.
Manfred BRAUEUER. Teacher training at the level of agricultural schools - new challenges and new conception.
Milan SLAVIK. The changing role of VET teachers and trainers.
M. BOLDYREV. The Influence of industrial potential at release of ecologically clean products.
T.P. BOLDYREVA and O.D. GUSHINA. Educational work in higher institutions today.
T.P. BOLDYREVA, G.I. STEPANOVA and D.V. FEDOROVA. Active foreign language learning in agricultural academy.
Karin SCHMIDT. Development of a new teaching and learning culture in the professional education of farmers.
Jiri HUSA. The school web site as the communication and educational network centre.