Open Access Policy and Copyright Notice
Agricultura Scientia is an open-access journal, and its content is accessible to everyone on these websites free of charge under the licence Creative Commons CC BY NC ND. This license enables reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
The author retains the material copyright and, when publishing the publication, has allowed the publisher to publish (licence to publish).
The journal Agricultura Scientia is a diamond open access journal; its business model for electronic edition is based on a non-APC business model for authors that allows immediate access to the content of the journal without the payment of a subscription fee or licence. Authors pay no article publication charge (APC).
Copyright Notice. Except when otherwise noted, articles in this journal are published under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NonDerivates 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Self-archiving policy. The journal Agricultura Scientia allows the authors to deposit and publish published version of the article in an institutional repository, subject based repositories, on author's personal website (including social networking sites) or departmental websites after publication. Full bibliographic information about the original publication must be provided and a link must be made to the article's DOI.