Description - Journal for Translation
Pogostost izhajanja: 2 številki letno
Odgovorna urednica: Barbara Petrovič
UMniverzum je interna univerzitetna revija, v kateri predstavljamo najnovejše dosežke naših raziskovalcev, znanstveno in izobraževalno delo naših zaposlenih, uspehe študentov, intervjuje, reportaže in še mnogo več. Sledimo sodobnim smernicam, zato ob tiskani izdaji pripravimo tudi interaktivno različico, ki omogoča enostavno listanje, prikazovanje foto in video galerij, povezave na zunanje vsebine in video posnetke, posebne učinke in še mnogo več.
Licenca: CC BY
Analiza: časopis za kritično misel
Analiza je revija za analitično filozofijo, ki poudarja racionalni, argumentativni pristop k filozofskim problemom tako s teoretičnega kot praktičnega področja. V uvodniku prve številke, ki je izšla leta 1997, je takratno uredništvo prepoznalo tri razloge, ki so govorili v prid taki reviji. Prvič, omogočala naj bi nadaljnji razvoj analitične filozofije v Sloveniji. Drugič, domači publiki naj bi predstavljala svetovne domete analitične filozofije in pa domačo ustvarjanje. Tretjič, z razvijanjem slovenske terminologije in z zastavljanjem vprašanj ter iskanjem odgovorov, ki imajo izvor v tu in sedaj, naj bi skrbela za razvoj slovenske identitete.
Ti razlogi so relevantni še danes, se je pa skozi čas pokazalo, da ta vprašanja niso le filozofsko relevantna, temveč imajo širši domet. Revija je tako danes širše orientirana in objavlja članke, ki so zanimivi tudi za »nefilozofsko« publiko, predvsem članke s širšo kulturno vsebino (multikulturalizem, akulturacija, asimilacija, problem pravic kulturnih manjšin itn.) in članke s področja teorije umetnosti. Revija se na reflektiran in kritičen način ukvarja tudi z aktualnimi problemi, ki tarejo našo družbo (etična problematika, problem migracij, politična filozofija, socialni problemi družbe, izobraževanje itn.). V prihodnosti bomo še večjo pozornost posvetili filozofskim vprašanjem, ki jih odpirajo raziskovanja v sodobni kognitivni znanosti (npr. etične in družbene implikacije nevroznanosti in umetne inteligence).
Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy
Frequency of publication: 4 issues per year
Editor-in-Chief: Polona Tominc
Journal of Contemporary Issues in Economics and Business Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy publishes high-quality original scientific articles and scientific review articles on topical issues in economics and business. The aim of the journal is to build on existing theoretical and empirical research in the field of economics and business with contemporary theoretical perspectives and insights based on comprehensive research foundations. The articles published contribute to a better understanding of a number of current challenges in economics and business and are of interest to researchers, policymakers and practitioners.
Indexing: EconLit, ERIH PLUS, DOAJ, EBSCO, Ulrich's and other databases.
Licenca: CC BY -
Medicine, Law & Society
Publishing frequency: 2 issues per year in April and October
Editor-in-Chief: Vesna Rijavec, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Managing Editor: Suzana Kraljić, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Medicine, Law & Society is an open access peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the study of medicine, law and society. It publishes articles that contribute to a better understanding and practice of medicine and law. It is published twice a year, in April and October by University of Maribor, University Pres and co-published by the University of Maribor, Faculty of Law and the University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine (Slovenia), Karl Franzens University, Faculty of Law (Austria), Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade (Serbia), University of Split, Faculty of Medicine (Croatia) and University Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, Faculty of Law (Portugal). The publication of Medicine, Law & Society is co-financed by the Slovenian Research Agency.
Indexing: Emerging Science Citation Index (Web of Science), ScienceOpen, Dimensions.
License: CC BY -
Publishing frequency: 2 issues per year
Editor-in-Chief: Matjaž Tratnik
LeXonomica is an open access peer-reviewed international journal for the study of law and economics. It is published twice a year, in June and December by University of Maribor, University Press and co-published by the Faculty of Law (Slovenia) and Institute for Economic Analysis of Law at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Law (Slovenia). The journal publishes articles that contribute to the better understanding and practice of law and economics and which are of interest to scholars, policy analysts, policymakers and practitioners. The focus of the journal is on the critical analysis of developments in law and economics throughout the world.
Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index database (Web of Science), ScienceOpen, Dimensions.
Licence: CC BY -
Journal of Elementary Education
Publishing frequency: 4 issues per year
Editor-in-Chief: Matjaž Duh
The Journal of Elementary Education (JEE) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes scientific articles primarily but not limited to the area of elementary school education. It brings together academics and researchers from different European countries who seek to promote a vigorous dialogue between scholars in various fields both central and related to scientific enquiry in education. JEE accepts articles which promote advances in education also from closely related fields in Slovene, English and German language.
Indexing: Scopus, DOAJ, Dimensions.
The Journal of Elementary Education is published with the support of the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Licence: CC BY -
Acta Geotechnica Slovenica
Frequency: 2 issues per year
Editor-in-Chief: Borut Macuh
Acta Geotechnica Slovenica aims to play an important role in publishing high-quality, theoretical papers from important and emerging areas that will have a lasting impact on fundamental and practical aspects of geomechanics and geotechnical engineering. It publishes papers from the following areas: soil and rock mechanics, engineering geology, environmental geotechnics, geosynthetic, geotechnical structures, numerical and analytical methods, computer modelling, optimization of geotechnical structures, field and laboratory testing.
Indexing: SCIE - Science Citation Index Expanded, ICONDA - The international Construction database, GeoRef.
JCR IF = 0.455
Licence: Free to Read (electronic version) -
Acta Medico-Biotechnica
Publishing frequency: twice a year.
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dušica Pahor, MD, PhD
The Acta Medico-Biotehnica is the official journal of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor in Slovenia. The scientific-professional journal contains material of interest to a wider readership covering the medical and biotechnical fields. The Papers are peer reviewed by an international Editorial Board.
Indexing: EBSCO, DKUM, COBISS, dLib, Ulrich's Periodical Directory
Licence: CC BY -
Journal for Geography
Frequency: 2 issues per year
Editor-in-Chief: Peter Kumer
The Journal for Geography is dedicated to the publication of original scientific articles in the field of geography and related sciences. When publishing, we take into account the standards that are established internationally. Two issues are published annually. Articles are published in Slovenian, English or German. The editorial board consists of internationally renowned geographers from all continents. The Journal for Geography is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the author, user or his/her institution.
License: CC BY
Agricultura Scientia
Publishing frequency: Twice a year
Editor-in-Chief: Maja Prevolnik Povše
The journal Agricultura is devoted to the advancement of basic and applied knowledge related to agricultural sciences. It publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, farm buildings, land management, agricultural economics, rural sociology, ecology, preservation of biodiversity, biotechnology, microbiology, physiology, pedology and bioethics. Also, papers discussing innovative pedagogical methods, philosophy of education or solutions to teaching problems in life science may be included.
Till 2016 articles of the electronic version of the Agricultura are published under the permission "Free to Read". After articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivates 4.0 International Licence. -
Slavia Centralis
Frequency: 2 issues per year
Editor-in-Chief: Marko JesenšeK
Founded in 2008 by a consortium of one American and four Central European universities at the initiative of a group of Slavists, the journal Slavia Centralis intends to publish works of interest to Slavic studies representing original research in Slavic linguistics and literary scholarship and particularly encourages interdisciplinary approaches. The name Slavia Centralis emphasizes the intersection of languages and cultures in the heart of Europe, where Slavic languages and literatures have evolved and flourished since the first millennium AD. Slavia Centralis encourages contributions treating the Slavic languages and literatures holistically, transcending borders and national canons, as well as exploring connections between Slavic and non-Slavic. While emphasizing innovative approaches and interdisciplinarity, the journal recognizes the fundamental value of deep philological knowledge and therefore particularly encourages contributions combining thorough and responsible use of relevant data with innovative approaches.
Indexing: Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije (; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS); KU ScholarWorks; Linguistic Bibliography, The Netherlands; Modern Language Association of America (MLA), Directory of Periodicals, New York; Scopus (Elsvier); Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, R. R. Bowker, NY, USA.
License: CC BY-NC (electronic edition)
Annual subscription/single issue (print; outside Slovenia): 24,20 €/13,60 € -
Frequency of origin: 2 issues per year (April and November)
Editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief: Darja Senčur Peček (University of Maribor, Slovenia)
Print ISSN: 2386-0219
Online ISSN: 2463-8005
The magazine ANALI PAZU HD is an openly accessible, international journal dedicated to the study of social sciences and humanities. The main purpose of publishing the magazine is to publish peer-reviewed scientific articles with social sciences and humanities, thus informing the professional public in particular about what is happening and novelty in these fields. Particular attention is paid to obtaining articles addressing topics related to Pomurje and the wider Pannotic space and minorities.
ANALI PAZU HD: study of social sciences and humanities.
Indexing:, (Digital Library of Slovenia), BIBLIO-B.
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
Pomurska obzorja
Pogostost izhajanja: 2 številki letno (maj in junij)
Odgovorni urednik: Mitja Slavinec (Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenija)
Glavna urednika: Petra Cajnko (Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenija) in Milan Svetec (Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenija)
Revija POMURSKA OBZORJA je strokovna tiskana periodična publikacija Pomurske akademije – PAZU. Glavni namen izdajanja revije je objavljanje strokovnih prispevkov z naravoslovno, tehnično, biotehnično, medicinsko, humanistično in družboslovno vsebino ter tako seznanjati strokovno kakor tudi laično javnost z dogajanji in novostmi na teh področjih. Posebna pozornost je namenjena objavljanju strokovnih prispevkov, ki bodo obravnavali teme povezane s Pomurjem. Revija je odprtodostopna, objavljeni strokovni prispevki so prosto dostopni na spletni strani.
Indeksiranje:, (Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije).
Licenca: CC BY-NC-ND
Anali PAZU
Frequency of origin: 2 issues per year (April and November).
Editor-in-chief: Mitja Slavinec (University of Maribor, Slovenia)
Print ISSN: 2232-416X
Online ISSN: 2820-364X
The journal ANALI PAZU is an openly accessible, international journal dedicated to the study of natural sciences, engineering, medicine and biotechnistuals. The main purpose of publishing the journal is to publish peer-reviewed scientific and professional articles aimed at interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary topics considered, which go beyond disciplinary frameworks and include all scientific and professional fields of those scientific disciplines. The core of the magazine (80%) is represented by the original scientific research articles.
ANALI PAZU: study of natural sciences, engineering, medicine and biotechnistuals.
Indexing:, (Digital Library of Slovenia), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, BIBLIO-B.
License: CC BY-NC-ND