Europe Needs to Integrate Immersive Learning Quickly at All Education Levels – But How? What to Learn From 25 EU Projects in This Field
V Evropi je imerzivno učenje potrebno hitro vključiti v vse ravni izobraževanja - vendar kako? Česa se je na tem področju mogoče naučiti iz 25 projektov EU? Mnogostranski tehnični razvoj je omogočil, da so poglobljene tehnologije – virtualna resničnost (VR – ang. virtual reality) in obogatena resničnost (AR – ang. augmented reality) ter njuno zlitje v mešano ali razširjeno resničnostjo (MR – ang. mixed reality; XR – ang. extended reality) – našle svojo pot v različna področja življenja in dela. Zaradi njihovih skoraj neskončnih ustvarjalnih možnosti so zelo zanimive tudi za pedagogiko. Kakšne pa so možnosti in kje so omejitve, kje v tem pogledu sploh je Evropa? Da bi našli odgovore, smo ocenili 25 projektov EU, ki se ukvarjajo z učenjem na osnovi VR, AR in XR.
Active Learning in Engineering Education - ALIEN (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed February 18th 2021)
Advanced VR, iMmersive Serious Games and Augmented REality as Tools to Raise Awareness and Access to European Underwater CULTURal heritagE – iMARECULTURE (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed March 1st 2021)
An Adult Digital Education Skills Kit to Foster Employability – DESK (2021): Retrieved from (accessed February 25th 2021)
Anne Frank House. (2020). Anne Frank House VR App. Retrieved from (accessed February 3rd 2020)
Audio for Cyber Environments – VRACE (2021): Retrieved from March 1st 2021)
Boosting Virtual Reality Learning within Higher Business Management Education - VRinSight (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed February 25th 2021)
Connected Teacher Education – CoTeach (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed February 18th 2021)
Digital Innovative Media Publishing for All – DIMPA (2021): Retrieved from (accessed February 25th 2021)
European Commission. (2011). COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS: Supporting growth and jobs – an agenda for the modernisation of Europe's higher education systems. Brussels, 20.9.2011. COM (2011) 567 final.
European Commission. (2016). COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS: A NEW SKILLS AGENDA FOR EUROPE: Working together to strengthen human capital, employability and competitiveness. Brussels, 10.6.2016 COM (2016) 381 final.
European Commission. (2017). Digital Education Policies in Europe and Beyond. Key Design Principles for More Effective Policies. JRC Science for Policy Report. 2017 –EUR 29000
European Commission. (2017). European Framework for the Digital Competences of Educators (DigCompEdu). JRC Science for Policy Report. 2017 – EUR 28775.
eXtended Reality for All - XR4ALL (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed March 1st 2021)
Facebook Technologies (2020): Oculus Quest. Retrieved from (accessed November 20th 2021)
Fast and easy previsualisation for creative industries - first.stage (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed March 1st 2021)
Fostering Virtual Reality applications within adult learning to improve low skills and qualifications - VIRAL SKILLS (2021): Retrieved from (accessed February 18th 2021)
Future schools using the power of virtual and augmented Reality for education and training in the classroom - VR@School (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed March 1st 2021)
A human-factors based (VR) training solution for decision-making and acting capabilities under stress andin high-risk situations for European LEAs – SHOTPROS (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed February 18th 2021)
Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling – INCEPTION (2021): Retrieved from (accessed February 18th 2021)
Inclusive Intelligent Verification/Validation for Extended Reality Based Systems -Iv4Xr (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed February 25th 2021)
Integration of Experiential Learning and Virtual Reality into Gifted Education - VR4GIFTED (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed March 1st 2021)
Kumar, Prajneesh. (2020). Extended Reality (XR) Market to Grow with Explosive CAGR of 48.3% in Coming Years: P&S Intelligence. ( explosive-cagr-of-48-3-incomingyears-p-s-intelligence-9252315)
Learning mathematics through VR - MVR (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed February 25th 2021)
SMeART project group (2018): Learning and Business Consultant Needs of Europe’s SMEs in Smart Engineering. Retrieved from–ess-consulting-needs/ (Accessed February 3rd 2021)
Teaching and Learning with Technology in Higher Education – EDUTECH (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed February 18th 2021)
Training Teachers and Trainers for the 4.0 Paradigm (Fit for 4.0): Retrieved from items/fit-for-4-0-training-teachers-and-trainersfor-the-4-0-paradigm/ (Accessed February 18th 2021)
University Business Cooperation for Promoting Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Applications within Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Companies - VAM Realities (2021): Retrieved from February 18th 2021)
Virtual Medicine (2021): Retrieved from (accessed February 3rd 2021)
Virtual Reality applied to roadwork training in European construction industry – VROAD (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed February 25th 2021)
Virtual Reality Archive Learning – ViRAL (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed February 18th 2021)
Virtual Reality for Rehabilitation - VR4REHAB (2021): Retrieved from search/vr4rehab-virtual-reality-for-rehabilitation/(accessed March 1st 2021)
Virtual Reality in Higher Education: Application Scenarios and Recommendations - VR_Education (2021): Retrieved from
Higher-Education-Application-Scenarios-and-Recommendations (Accessed February 25th 2021)
VRinSight project group (2019/2021): Retrieved from (Accessed February 3rd 2021)
VR-Together - VR-T (2021): Retrieved from (Accessed March 1st 2021)
We learn to apply augmented and virtual reality in our technology classes – VleaRning (2021): Retrieved from (accessed March 1st 2021)
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