Student perceptions of the importance of art content and activities in schools of general education and vocational schools in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Miroslav D. Drljača University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Arts
  • Siniša Opić University Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education
  • Milan Matijević University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education
Keywords: visual arts, general education, educational neuroscience, educational sciences, brain development


The aim of research was to examine how students in higher secondary education estimate the importance of visual arts subjects for the acquisition of general knowledge and the importance of visual arts for their future profession. The participants (N=605) were students in the third year of higher secondary education. Although the participants in the sample did not attach importance to visual arts for their future professions, they assessed that during their education, activities that necessitated working with their hands helped them in developing their memorization skills and the ability to learn other subjects.


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Author Biographies

Miroslav D. Drljača, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Arts

Assistant professor, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Arts, Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovića 1a,
78000 Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, e-mail:

Siniša Opić, University Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education

Full professor, University Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Savska 77, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, email:

Milan Matijević, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education

Emeritus, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Savska 77, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, email:


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How to Cite
D. Drljača M., Opić S., & Matijević M. (2020). Student perceptions of the importance of art content and activities in schools of general education and vocational schools in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Elementary Education, 13(1), 1-18.
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