Izvajanje samoevalvacije z vidika profesionalne in zakonodajne odgovornosti šol za kakovost

  • Marija Pevec Savsko naselje Primary School Ljubljana
Keywords: self-evaluation, quality, vocational education and training, head teacher


Self-Evaluation and Professional and Legal Responsibility of Schools Regarding Quality. The purpose of this paper was to outline the findings of a research study on professional and legal responsibility with regard to the quality of vocational education. We were interested in the elements of a systematic approach to quality, keeping in mind written development plans, their monitoring, and the efficiency of incorporating improvements into school practice. The methods chosen for the said research study were a combination of document research (public reports on school quality) and semi-structured interviews with head teachers. The concept of the research was based on theoretical and practical discoveries of professionals who were deeply involved with the process of self-evaluation in Slovenia and across Europe. The research showed that there were significant differences in the way quality was perceived by the selected schools, and that there was a non-uniform approach to self-evaluation.


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Author Biography

Marija Pevec, Savsko naselje Primary School Ljubljana

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: marija.pevec64@gmail.com.

How to Cite
Pevec M. (2013). Izvajanje samoevalvacije z vidika profesionalne in zakonodajne odgovornosti šol za kakovost. Journal of Elementary Education, 6(4), 117-134. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/education/article/view/461
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