Ravnateljeva vloga pri zagotavljanju kakovosti pedagoškega dela

  • Ana Kozina Education Research Institute, Ljubljana
  • Tina Vršnik Perše Education Research Institute, Ljubljana
  • Marija Javornik Krečič University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts
  • Milena Ivanuš Grmek University of Maribor, Faculty of Education
Keywords: primary school, quality, principal, managing a school, instructional leadership style, administrative leadership style


Principals role in ensuring quality teaching. his paper focuses on the concept of quality teaching and emphasizes the role that a principal has as the administrative head and head teacher in a school. In the first part, we point out that there is no unambiguous definition of what quality of education actually is, since this is a complex phenomenon that depends on many factors. These factors are briefly introduced further on. The second part presents some of the results from the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), where we observed, among other things, what is the principals role in ensuring the quality of teaching in relation to the basic features of the school and the principal himself/herself.


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How to Cite
Kozina A., Vršnik Perše T., Javornik Krečič M., & Ivanuš Grmek M. (2012). Ravnateljeva vloga pri zagotavljanju kakovosti pedagoškega dela. Journal of Elementary Education, 5(2/3), 5-20. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/education/article/view/355
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