Pomembnost interkulturnih svetovalnih kompetenc po mnenju učiteljev v osnovni šoli

  • Marija Javornik Krečič University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts
  • Valentina Lebar Grammar School France Prešeren in Črenšovci


Primary school teachers' opinions about the importance of intercultural counselling. The society of today is a mosaic of different cultures, made up of a mixture of their characteristics. Because of this, the subject of this article is teachers' opinions about intercultural counseling. In the first part of the article a theoretlcal basis of the inter-cultural element in the classroom is presented. The role of intercultural counseling is also dealt with, which is an important (supportive) factor for teachers who are facing a stressful intercultural environment. The results of the empirical research, which was made in June 2009, are introduced in the second part of the article. The aim of the research, carried out among primary school teachers, was to discover their opinions about the competence of intercultural counseling.


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How to Cite
Javornik Krečič M., & Lebar V. (2010). Pomembnost interkulturnih svetovalnih kompetenc po mnenju učiteljev v osnovni šoli. Journal of Elementary Education, 3(2/3), 79-94. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/education/article/view/276
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