The Role of Songbooks in the Preservation of Children’s Folk Songs in Kindergarten
children’s folk songs, preschool education, songbooks
The paper presents an analysis of songbooks used in kindergarten. It outlines the need for renewal of the existing kindergarten curriculum from the perspective of preserving the Slovenian music tradition, and within this context, the indispensable role of children’s folk songs in the preservation of Slovenian folk music. Furthermore, it tackles the following three issues: (i) the disproportionate representation of children’s folk songs and author songs in songbooks; (ii) the information provided about children’s folk songs in songbooks, and (iii) the representation of children’s folk songs in kindergarten.
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Corsaro, W. (2005). The sociology of childhood (second edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
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Denac, O. (2012). Glasbene preference vzgojiteljev in predšolskih otrok. Journal of Elementary Education, 5(4), 29–38.
Denac, O., Žnidaršič, J. (2018). The use of folk music in kindergartens and family settings. Creative Education, 9, 2856–2862.
Dravec, J. (2017). Glasbena folklore Prlekije [Musical folklore of Prlekija]. Ljubljana: Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut ZRC SAZU. Retrieved from:–W/#txt_395_438 (Accessed: 23rd March 2021.)
Fu, L. (2010). Folk Music Plays a Crucial Role in Children’s Development: Research on How to Effectively Integrate Folk Music into Kindergarten Music Education, ISME.
Funtek, A. (1887). Zabavišče slovenskim otrokom [An amusement park for Slovenian children]. Ljubljana: Narodna šola.
Gardner, H. (2011) Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, 3rd Ed. New York: Basic Books.
Gerlanc, B., Ribičič, J., Winkler, V., Završnik, R. (1952). Prva čitanka [First read book]. Ljubljana: DZS.
Geršak, V. (2015). Dance in the Slovenian kindergarten curriculum. Školski vjesnik: časopis za pedagogijsku teoriju i praksu, 64(3), 399–410.
Golež Kaučič, M. (2003). Ljudsko in umetno. Dva obraza ustvarjalnosti [Folk and artifical. Two faces of creativity]. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
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Mihelač, L. (2021). (Re)making tradition: the untold story of children’s folk songs in Slovenian kindergartens (submitted).
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Nettl, B. (1983). The study of ethnomusicology: twenty-nine issues and concepts. University of Illinois Press.
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Komavec, M., Šivic, U., Terseglav, M. (2004). Otroška pesmarica (Slovenske ljudske pesmi)[Children’s song book (Slovenian folk songs)] 1. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, Slovenia.
Šivic, U., Terseglav, M., Demšar, D., Kovačič, M. (2006). Otroška pesmarica (Slovenske ljudske pesmi)[Children’s song book (Slovenian folk songs)] 2. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, Slovenia.
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Retrieved from:–yIds=130&View=1&Query=pesem (Accessed: 4th March 2021.)
Smallwood, B. A., Haynes, E. F. (2008). Singable Books: Sing and Read Your Way to English Proficiency. Berkeley: University of California,
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Štrekelj, K. (1895–1923). Slovenske narodne pesmi, IV [Slovenian folk songs, IV]. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenija. Retrieved from:
(Accessed: 23rd March 2021.)
Terseglav, M. (2007). Šolske pesmarice kot možni vir za ljudske pesmi [School songbooks as a possible source of folk songs]. Traditiones, 36(2), 7–26.
Vah Jevšnik, M. (2010). Medkulturna vzgoja in izobraževanje v vrtcu in v prvem triletju osnovne šole. Journal of Elementary Education, 3(2/3), 133–141.
Voglar, M., Milena Nograšek. (2009). Majhna sem bila [songbook]. Ljubljana: DZS, Slovenia.
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Wehowski, M. (2019). Education in Habsburg Borderlands: The K.u.K. Staats-Oberrealschule in the Austrian Silesian Town of Teschen (1901–1921. In M. Prokopovych, C. Bethke, T. Scheer (Eds.), Language Diversity in the Late Habsburg Empire (p. 196–217). Leiden: Brill.
Zalar, K. (2015). Children’s Folk Music in Primary School. In B. Sicherl-Kafol (Ed.), Contemporary Approaches to Music Teaching and Learning. Saarbrücken: Lambert
Žgavec, M. (2004). Slovenska ljudska glasba [Slovenian Folk Music]. Glasba v šoli in vrtcu, 9, 3–4.
Žnidaršič, J. (2016). Ljudska glasba v vrtcu [Folk music in kindergarten]. Vzgojiteljica, 8(6), 14–17.
Corsaro, W. (2005). The sociology of childhood (second edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Council of Europe (2021). Retrieved from: (Accessed: 4th March 2021.)
Denac, O. (2012). Glasbene preference vzgojiteljev in predšolskih otrok. Journal of Elementary Education, 5(4), 29–38.
Denac, O., Žnidaršič, J. (2018). The use of folk music in kindergartens and family settings. Creative Education, 9, 2856–2862.
Dravec, J. (2017). Glasbena folklore Prlekije [Musical folklore of Prlekija]. Ljubljana: Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut ZRC SAZU. Retrieved from:–W/#txt_395_438 (Accessed: 23rd March 2021.)
Fu, L. (2010). Folk Music Plays a Crucial Role in Children’s Development: Research on How to Effectively Integrate Folk Music into Kindergarten Music Education, ISME.
Funtek, A. (1887). Zabavišče slovenskim otrokom [An amusement park for Slovenian children]. Ljubljana: Narodna šola.
Gardner, H. (2011) Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, 3rd Ed. New York: Basic Books.
Gerlanc, B., Ribičič, J., Winkler, V., Završnik, R. (1952). Prva čitanka [First read book]. Ljubljana: DZS.
Geršak, V. (2015). Dance in the Slovenian kindergarten curriculum. Školski vjesnik: časopis za pedagogijsku teoriju i praksu, 64(3), 399–410.
Golež Kaučič, M. (2003). Ljudsko in umetno. Dva obraza ustvarjalnosti [Folk and artifical. Two faces of creativity]. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
Golež Kaučič, M. (2005). Folk song today: between function and aesthetics. Traditiones, 34(1), 177–189.
Grbec, I. (1954). Pesmarica za osnovna, nižje srednje in strokovne šole. 1.del [Songbook for primary, lower secondary and vocational schools. Part 1]. Trst.
Herzog, G. (1947). Some primitive layers in European folk music. Bulleting of the American Musicological Society, 9–10, 11–14.
Hornbostel, E. M., Abraham, O. (1975[1904]). On the significance of the phonograph for comparative musicology. In K. Wachsmann, D., & Christensen, H-P., & Reinecke (Eds.), Hornbostel Opera Omnia (pp. 185–202). The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
Jeraj, V. (1921). Iz Ljubljane čez poljane [From Ljubljana across the fields]. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica.
Josefsson, J., Aronsson, I. (2016). Heritage as life-values: A study of the cultural heritage concept. Current Science, 110(11), 2091–2098.
Kalan, P. (1954). Drobne pesmi. Učiteljiščnikom na pot [Small songs.]. 2. zvezek. Ljubljana.
Kosi, A. (1907). Venček triglasnih narodnih pesmi za šolo in dom 1 [Collection of three-part folk songs for school and home 1]. Ljubljana: samozaložba. Kumar, S. [Ed.] (1924). Otroške pesmi [Children’s songs]. Trst: Zveza slovanskih učiteljskih društev v Italiji.
Kumer, Z. (1996). Vloga, zgradba, slog slovenske ljudske pesmi [The role, structure, and style of Slovenian folk song]. Ljubljana: GNI.
Kunaver, D., Kumer, Z., Ložar-Podlogar, H. (1987). Pesmi in šege moje dežele[Songs and customs from my country]. Ljubljana: DZS.
Kurikulum za vrtce [Kindergarten Curriculum] (1999). Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo.
List, G. (1963). The boundaries of speech and song. Ethnomusicology, 7(1), 1–6.
Lukens, R. J. (2007) A Critical Handbook of Children’s Literature (8th Edition). US: Allyn & Bacon.
Majcen, G. (1888). Šolske pesmi [School songs]. Maribor: samozaložba.
Majcen, G. (1888). Šolske pesmi[School songs].Tretja stopnja [Third grade]. Maribor: samozaložba
Mercina, I. (1893). Igre in pesmi [Games and songs]. Ljubljana: Družba svetega Cirila in Metoda.
Mihelač, L. (2012). Nacionalna identiteta in glasba pri šoloobveznih mladostnikih [The national identity and music in young adolescents]. Doctoral thesis, Univerza v Novi Gorici, Fakulteta za podiplomski študij, Slovenia.
Mihelač, L., Wiggins, G. A., Povh, J. (2021). A Computational Approach to the Detection and Prediction of (Ir)Regularity in Children’s Folk Songs (submitted).
Mihelač, L. (2021). (Re)making tradition: the untold story of children’s folk songs in Slovenian kindergartens (submitted).
Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport. Retrieved from:–eb/SeznamVrtci.aspx?Enote=1 (Accessed: 4th March 2021.)
Minks, A. (2002). From children’s song to expressive practices: old and new directions in the ethnomusicological study of children. Ethnomusicology, 46(3), 379–408.
Morrison, G. S. (1998). Early childhood education today (7th ed.). Englewoods Cliff, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Nedvěd, A. (1866). Pesmi za mladost [Songs for youth]. Dunaj: Cesarska kraljeva založba šolskih bukev.
Nedvěd, A. (1883). Vaje v petji [Singing exercices]. Dunaj: Cesarska kraljeva založba šolskih bukev.
Nedvěd, A. (1896). Slavček. Zbirka šolskih pesmi [A collection of school songs]. Tretja stopnja [Third grade]. Ljubljana: samozaložba.
Nettl, B. (1983). The study of ethnomusicology: twenty-nine issues and concepts. University of Illinois Press.
Nograšek, M., Virant Iršič, K. (2007). Piške sem pasla [songbook]. Ljubljana: DZS, Slovenia.
Pesek, A. (1994-200). Slovenske ljudske pesmi za otroke 1–4 [Slovenian folk songs for children 1–4]. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga.
Rogoff, B. (2003). The cultural nature of human development. New York: Oxford University Press, USA.
Komavec, M., Šivic, U., Terseglav, M. (2004). Otroška pesmarica (Slovenske ljudske pesmi)[Children’s song book (Slovenian folk songs)] 1. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, Slovenia.
Šivic, U., Terseglav, M., Demšar, D., Kovačič, M. (2006). Otroška pesmarica (Slovenske ljudske pesmi)[Children’s song book (Slovenian folk songs)] 2. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, Slovenia.
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Retrieved from:–yIds=130&View=1&Query=pesem (Accessed: 4th March 2021.)
Smallwood, B. A., Haynes, E. F. (2008). Singable Books: Sing and Read Your Way to English Proficiency. Berkeley: University of California,
Statistični Urad RS (2021). Delež otrok, vključenih v vrtce. Retrieved from:–atWeb/Field/Index/9–/83 (Accessed: 4th March 2021.)
Štrekelj, K. (1895–1923). Slovenske narodne pesmi, IV [Slovenian folk songs, IV]. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenija. Retrieved from:
(Accessed: 23rd March 2021.)
Terseglav, M. (2007). Šolske pesmarice kot možni vir za ljudske pesmi [School songbooks as a possible source of folk songs]. Traditiones, 36(2), 7–26.
Vah Jevšnik, M. (2010). Medkulturna vzgoja in izobraževanje v vrtcu in v prvem triletju osnovne šole. Journal of Elementary Education, 3(2/3), 133–141.
Voglar, M., Milena Nograšek. (2009). Majhna sem bila [songbook]. Ljubljana: DZS, Slovenia.
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Wehowski, M. (2019). Education in Habsburg Borderlands: The K.u.K. Staats-Oberrealschule in the Austrian Silesian Town of Teschen (1901–1921. In M. Prokopovych, C. Bethke, T. Scheer (Eds.), Language Diversity in the Late Habsburg Empire (p. 196–217). Leiden: Brill.
Zalar, K. (2015). Children’s Folk Music in Primary School. In B. Sicherl-Kafol (Ed.), Contemporary Approaches to Music Teaching and Learning. Saarbrücken: Lambert
Žgavec, M. (2004). Slovenska ljudska glasba [Slovenian Folk Music]. Glasba v šoli in vrtcu, 9, 3–4.
Žnidaršič, J. (2016). Ljudska glasba v vrtcu [Folk music in kindergarten]. Vzgojiteljica, 8(6), 14–17.
How to Cite
Mihelač L. (2022). The Role of Songbooks in the Preservation of Children’s Folk Songs in Kindergarten. Journal of Elementary Education, 15(3), 301-315.
Scientific Articles
Copyright (c) 2022 Lorena Mihelač

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