Kako učenci zaznavajo medijsko nasilje

  • Majda Pšunder University of Maribor, Faculty of Education
  • Mihaela Cvek
Keywords: education, media use, media violence, perception of violence, awareness


How pupils perceive media violence. In the modern information society media has become an integral part of peoples' and pupils' everyday life. Along with the many positive effects of this, there are also numerous negative ones, such as violence. Violence in the media influences the receivers - pupils. The most alarming consequences of pupils' frequent contact with media violence are imitation and apathy . Our survey, carried out on pupils from the 4th-8th grades of different primary schools in Slovenia, shows how they perceive media violence in these modern times


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Author Biography

Majda Pšunder, University of Maribor, Faculty of Education

Maribor. Slovenia. E-mail: majda.psunder@um.si.

How to Cite
Pšunder M., & Cvek M. (2009). Kako učenci zaznavajo medijsko nasilje. Journal of Elementary Education, 2(1), 29-48. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/education/article/view/232
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