Uporaba prostorskih ključev pri učencih osmega razreda osnovne šole

  • Barbara Lapuh University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education
  • Jurij Selan University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education
Keywords: visual gradients, illusion of space, art lessons


The Usage of Visual Gradients at Eighth-graders. In the article, we address an issue that can be observed in art lessons in the eighth and ninth grades of primary school in Slovenia. This issue is related to the ability to articulate the illusion of space in drawing by the use of visual gradients. Experience has shown that even though pupils have acquired knowledge of visual gradients, they fail to apply this knowledge in subsequent similar drawing tasks. Therefore, we performed a qualitative research study during art lessons in which we sought to analyse how eighth-graders (a sample of 28 pupils), once given the knowledge of visual gradients, use this knowledge in subsequent drawing assignments in which there is no explicit demand for the use of visual gradients. One of the key findings based on the results is that two-thirds of pupils did not apply their
knowledge of visual gradients in the second drawing (despite showing it in first drawing). This reveals to us that a single exposure to visual gradients does not lead pupils to internalise the knowledge of visual gradients or to use it spontaneously

DOI: 10.18690/rei.11.2.121-141.2018
COBISS-ID: 12043849


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Author Biographies

Barbara Lapuh, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education

Ljubljana. Slovenia.

Jurij Selan, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education

Associate Professor. Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: jurij.selan@pef.uni-lj.

How to Cite
Lapuh B., & Selan J. (2018). Uporaba prostorskih ključev pri učencih osmega razreda osnovne šole. Journal of Elementary Education, 11(2), 121-142. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/education/article/view/162
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