L-relational algebra

Keywords: K-relation, L-relation, negation, De Morgan frame, relational algebra


In this article we focus on the positive K-relation model for annotated relations in which each U-tuple is mapped to an element of a commutative semiring, K. We propose a new operation in K, called negation, which induces a difference operation on K-relations, i.e., the only basic relational operation not interpreted in the positive K-relational algebra. Because we cannot define negation in all semirings, we move from the commutative semirings to the De Morgan frames, a lattice structure with negation. This has another positive consequence – the obtained L-relational algebra satisfies all the classical relational identities, including those that are not satisfied by the positive K-relational algebra.


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Author Biography

Melita Hajdinjak , University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: melita.hajdinjak@fe.uni-lj.si 

How to Cite
Hajdinjak M. (2022). L-relational algebra. Anali PAZU, 1(1), 2-6. https://doi.org/10.18690/analipazu.1.1.2-6.2011