An Analysis of the First Pillar of the CAP by Evaluating its Selected Indicators and Measuring its Impact on the Performance of Slovenian Agriculture over the Period 2014-2020
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has existed at the European Union level since 1962. Over the years, it has undergone various transformations, reforms and adjustments. By measuring the performance of the CAP implementation, the European Union has introduced a model for evaluating individual CAP measures by promoting a system of different
indicators which are, through various methods of data and information collection, mostly published annually, while their achieved values are reported to the public. Based on the evaluation of these data, it can be assessed how successfully the CAP influences individual agricultural industries within each country or region. Through its Resolution on the
Strategic Guidelines for the Development of Slovenian Agriculture and Food Industry until 2020, Slovenia set its strategic objectives and its own tailored system of indicators for evaluation. Through the analysis of the First Pillar of the CAP, we want to assess the impact of the CAP on Slovenian agriculture in the 2014–2020 period based on the selected indicators, namely organic farming, indicators for the wine sector and two indicators of self-sufficiency assessment for the selected agricultural product – meat. The analysis of the results achieved may be used by decision makers as a basis for assessing the performance CAP measures and input information in the further development of appropriate CAP measures in the future. Obviously, the results are also accessible to the general public, with the possibility to assess the performance of CAP financial assets invested in individual targeted CAP measures and their achievements.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jernej Golc, Jernej Turk, Jernej Prišenk

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