Novi izzivi za ekološke kmete v Indiji - turizem, začimbe in zelišča
Ekološko kmetovanje lahko indijskim kmetom omogoči, da svojim proizvodom dodajo dodano vrednost. Tisti, ki delujejo v regiji Ponda/Goa, imajo koristi od zgodovinskega ozadja in zelo ohranjene biotske raznovrstnosti, zaradi česar bodo morda v prihodnosti upravičeni do projekta GIAHS (Globalno pomembni sistemi kmetijske dediščine), ki bo preprečil uničenje teh slikovitih pokrajin. Plantaže začimb so živa učna ura naravoslovja in zgodovine za vsakogar in privlačnost za turiste, ki tu najdejo prijetno okolje, bogato rastlinstvo in živalstvo, podeželski turizem, ajurvedsko medicinsko oskrbo in vrsto prostočasnih dejavnosti v stiku z naravo.
Bortoft, H. 1996: The Wholeness of Nature - Goethe´s Way of Science. Floris Books, New York.
Conford, P. 2001: The Origins of the Organic Movement. Floris Books, Glasgow.
Correia, L. de A. 2006: Goa – Through the Mists of History, from 10 000 BC-AD1958. A Select Compilation on Goa’s Genesis. Maureen Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Panjim, Goa.
Dalgado, S. R. 1988: Glossário Luso-Asiático, Vol. II. Asian Educational Services, New Delhi.
Disney, A. 1981: A Decadência do Império da Pimenta, Comércio Português na Índia, no início do Século XVII, Edições 70. Lisbon.
Fernandes, P. 2006: 100 Goan Experiences. The Word Publications, Salcette, Goa.
Ferrão, J. E. M. 1994: The Adventure of Plants and the Portuguese Discoveries. The Institute of Tropical Scientific Research. The National Commission for Comme-moration of the Portuguese Discoveries, José Berardo Foundation, Rio Tinto.
Firmino, A. 2009: The Awakening of Ayurvedic Wisdom: lessons from India. Mendes, Anabela (Org.) Garcia de Orta and Alexander von Humboldt – across the East and the West, p. 105-117. Universidade Católica Editora, Lisboa.
Fonseca, J. N. da 1986: An Historical and Archaeological Sketch of the City of Goa. Asian Education Series. New Delhi. Thacker & Co, Limited, Bombay.
Ghose, A. 2006: India. American Express Guide. Dorling Kindersley, Civilização, Editores, Lda., Porto.
Giddens, A. 2005: O Mundo na Era da Globalização. Editorial Presença, 5th Edition, Lisbon.
Gracías, F. da Silva 1994: Health & Hygiene in Colonial Goa 1510-1961. XCHR Studies Series No. 4. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.
Howard, A. 1940: An Agricultural Testament. Oxford University Press.
Mendes, A. 2009: Garcia de Orta and Alexander von Humboldt – across the East and the West. Universidade Católica Editora, Lisboa, Portugal;
Mendes, A. L. 1997: A Índia Portugueza – Breve descripção das possessões portu-guezas na Ásia. Asian Educational Services, Vol. I and II, New Delhi.
Millstone, E., Lang, T. 2008: The Atlas of Food. Earthscan, Ltd., London.
O’Riordan, T., Cobb, D. 2001: Assessing the Consequences of Converting to Organic Agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Economics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Vol. 52, Issue 1, pages 22-35.
Orta, G. de 1963: Colóquio dos Simples, Panjim. Facsimile reproduction in Conde de Ficalho Garcia da Orta e o seu Tempo. Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Lisboa.
Santos, C. M. 1998: 16th Century Goa: the city and the capital. Official Catalogue of the Portuguese Pavillon. Expo 98, Lisbon, p. 93 – 113.
Willer, H. et al 2008: The World of Organic Agriculture. IFOAM, SÖL, FiBL, Frick.
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