Editorial Policy
The Journal for Geography (RG) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes scientific and professional articles in the field of geography and other spatial sciences. The fundamental purpose of the journal is to provide a space for the publication of spatial research and to encourage various methodological and critical discussions. The editorial board brings together experts and researchers from multiple countries.
The Journal for Geography publishes contributions that address significant, contemporary issues in geography and other spatial sciences, using appropriate scientific methodology and adhering to stylistic and linguistic standards. The articles must make a meaningful contribution to the respective scientific disciplines and serve as an impetus for further research. The journal only accepts articles that have not been published elsewhere and have not been simultaneously submitted for publication in other journals. Contributions can be in Slovenian, English, or German languages.
Peer Review Process
Each manuscript that meets the technical standards and aligns with the purpose of the journal will undergo a double-blind peer review. Reviewers are selected by the editors, and the reviews will be presented to the author anonymously for correction. The revised manuscript, along with a list of corrections, should be returned to the responsible editor.
Received contributions will be first reviewed by the editor/editorial board to determine if they fit the journal's concept and criteria:
- If the contribution corresponds to the journal's concept and criteria, the editorial board will send it to two anonymous reviewers. An article that is conceptually consistent with the journal but does not meet other criteria may be returned to the author for correction by the editorial team.
- The author will be informed about the acceptance or rejection of the article approximately within three months of its submission.
- The author will receive the reviewed contribution, including any recommendations for improvements/corrections. In case of rejection, the reasons for it will also be provided.
- The final decision on the publication of the article will be made by the editor based on the recommendations of the reviewers. The editor is not obliged to provide reasons for their decision.
- The manuscript should be prepared following the Instructions and Guidelines for Authors.
The author guarantees that the presented data in the contribution are accurate, credible, and original. Once the article is accepted for publication, the author agrees to the Publishing Ethics and Malpractice Statement which includes the author's statement of originality. All contributions go through an electronic procedure to check for similarities in the content of the articles. Overlapping or similar texts in previously published articles are verified.
Publication Fee
Journal for Geography (Revija za geografijo) is Open Access and has no APCs (article processing charge). This means that there is no submission fee, publication fee and fee for publishing in Open Access.
Similarity Check / Screening for Plagiarism
All manuscripts submitted in Slovene language are screened using the software Detector of Similar Content of the producer University of Maribor, Faculty of Computer and Information Science. Manuscripts submitted in English and German are screened using iThenticate and other resources. The aim is to check for instances of overlapping or similar text in previously published articles.
Estimated time of manuscript processing:
Average time during which the preliminary assessment of manuscripts is conducted: 7 days
Average time during which the reviews of manuscripts are conducted: 30 days
Average time in which the article is published: 10 days