Poskus konceptualizacija talentiranosti na športnem področju

  • Mojca Kukanja Gabrijelčič University of Primorska, Faculty of Education
  • Tadeja Volmut University of Primorska, Faculty of Education
Keywords: giftedness, talent, sports education, elementary school.


Conceptualization of Talent in Sport. The purpose of this paper is to present the interdisciplinary problem of giftedness and talent in the Slovene elementary school system and attempt to meaningfully interpret the terminology of both terms for the field of sport education. Despite the considerable attention paid to researching the changing understanding of giftedness in relation to talent, talent in sports environments and the applicable value of conceptualization are still not known. One reason for this is that sports talent has not been adequately defined in the Slovenian program and legislative platforms.


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Author Biographies

Mojca Kukanja Gabrijelčič, University of Primorska, Faculty of Education

PhD, Associate Profesor.
Koper, Slovenia. E-mail: mojca.k.gabrijelcic@pef.upr.si.

Tadeja Volmut, University of Primorska, Faculty of Education

PhD, Assistant Professor.
Koper, Slovenia. E-mail: tadeja.volmut@pef.upr.si.


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How to Cite
Kukanja Gabrijelčič M., & Volmut T. (2020). Poskus konceptualizacija talentiranosti na športnem področju. Journal of Elementary Education, 13(4), 475-496. https://doi.org/10.18690/rei.13.4.475-496.2020
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