Didaktične aplikacije fotografskih tehnik pri likovnovzgojnem delu in pedagoške metode za izvajanje likovnih tem brez fotokamere

  • Stanko Rijavec


Didactic applications in photography for work in art education and pedagogical methods for teaching art themes without a camera. The article deals with some didactical methods connected with specific photographic methods and techniques. These techniques offer a lot of possibilities for creative expression based on point, line, shape and light-dark photography. The article puts stress on STAROGRAM - a technique that uses wax and KEMOGRAM - a technique based on manipulating photos with a developer and fixer. Certain artistic concepts, methods and chemical specifications are also discussed. The material needed for the didactical use of these techniques is specified.


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How to Cite
Rijavec S. (2009). Didaktične aplikacije fotografskih tehnik pri likovnovzgojnem delu in pedagoške metode za izvajanje likovnih tem brez fotokamere. Journal of Elementary Education, 2(1), 91-99. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/education/article/view/237
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