Product Ecodesign in Slovenia’s ISO 14001-Certified Manufacturing Companies

  • Gregor Radonjič
  • Aleksandra Pisnik Korda
Keywords: ISO 14001, products, ecodesign, eco-innovations, environmental management system


The manufacturing and use of products have extreme impacts on the natural environment and the depletion of natural resources. Product ecodesign principles are based on the idea of the inclusion of environmental aspects of a product over its entire environmental lifecycle. The aim of the study was to gather and evaluate situations on ecodesign in ISO 14001-certified manufacturing companies in the Republic of Slovenia in order to investigate whether product ecodesign measures are promoted as a result of adopting ISO 14001 certification or not. The most important ecodesign criteria were evaluated and prioritized. In addition, the main drivers and barriers as well as information sources on product ecodesign were determined.


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Author Biographies

Gregor Radonjič

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia

Prof. Gregor Radonjič, Ph.D., graduated from and finished post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Maribor. He is a full professor in commodity science and technologies at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Maribor and head of the Department of Technology. His scientific and professional interests include environmental protection in companies, product and packaging ecodesign, lifecycle assessment, and technological development trends. He is also a member of the executive board of the International Association of Commodity Science and Technology (IGWT).

Aleksandra Pisnik Korda

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia

Aleksandra Pisnik Korda earned her Ph.D. in marketing at the University of Maribor. She is currently working as an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business. She delivers lectures in marketing courses with an emphasis on courses in product management, services marketing, and brand management. Her research field includes contemporary models of perceived product and services value as well as its antecedents and consequences. She regularly presents her work at international scientific con- ferences and publishes original scientific papers in domestic and foreign scientific journals. She is a member of the National Association for Marketing (DMS) and global marketing associations (EMAC, AMA).


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How to Cite
Radonjič G., & Pisnik Korda A. (2012). Product Ecodesign in Slovenia’s ISO 14001-Certified Manufacturing Companies. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 58(3-4), 38-55. Retrieved from