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Author Guidelines

The title (cover) page must contain the following information:

- The title of the manuscript,
- The name and academic titles of the author(s),
- ORCID iD of the author(s),
- Institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s),
- Full contact information of the author(s) (address, phone, e-mail, etc.),
- Any acknowledgments the authors care to make.

The manuscript file includes the parts of the study. No author’s details should be present within this file. A manuscript submitted to the Journal should include the following parts:

- Title,
- Abstract and keywords,
- Introduction,
- Main text,
- Conclusions,
- Endnotes (if there is any),
- References and
- Appendices (if there is any).

Papers must be written in British English.

In the NGOE the standard academic de-personalised style of writing is used, i.e. without the use of "I" or "we”.

The length of a paper should be between 30,000 and 32,000 characters (including Figures and Tables, references, footnotes). The pages should not be numbered.

The title of the paper should be as short as possible. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.

Abstract should have no less than 100 words and no more than 150. It should be structured in the following 4-6 parts (all in one paragraph): purpose, methodology/approach, findings, research limitations (if applicable), implications (if applicable) and originality/value.

Papers should have keywords and the Journal of Economic Literature classification codes (JEL Codes). Keywords should consist of no more than six words or short phrases. They need to correspond to the JEL Codes areas.

It should be also specified who is the corresponding author by adding the statement “Corresponding author” at the end of that person’s footnote.

The article should be divided into sections and also into subsections, if necessary. Sections, except for Introduction and Conclusions, shouldn't be numbered. Sections are divided into paragraphs.

The Introduction should state the aim of the paper, its literature background, research methods and also the contribution of the research to international literature. Its final paragraph should present the contents of the article. In Methodology section explain in detail the methodology applied in the paper, including clearly stated hypothesis or research question, and present the sources and characteristics of the data. In Conclusion present main conclusions, include the answer to the research question/accept or reject the hypothesis with arguments derived from the original research presented in the paper, emphasize originality/value, limitations and further research possibilities.

All Tables and Figures should be numbered and shown consecutively in the paper according to their numeration. They should be referred to before they appear in the manuscript. Data in Tables and Figures should be interpreted in the main text with reference to the numbers of the Tables and Figures. All Tables and Figures should be understandable on their own as much as it is possible – the readers should not have to check the main text to comprehend information presented in Tables and Figures. The sources of all data used in Tables and Figures must always be written.

Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the text using the Arabic numbers written in parentheses, e.g.: (1), (2), (3) …

Footnotes should be avoided. However if used they need to be short and numbered consecutively throughout the text in Arabic numerals.

The NGOE uses the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition reference system for citations in the text with a detailed alphabetical list at the end of the article. Full references should include all authors’ names and initials, date of publication, title of article, title of publication (in italics), volume and issue number (of a journal), publisher and form (books, conference proceedings) and page numbers. All works cited in the text and only those must be included in the References section at the end of the article. 

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.