Mastering Systems Strategic Crises to Prevent Business Crises

  • Igor Vrečko
  • Matjaž Mulej
Keywords: Strategic crises, systems strategic crises, business crises, crises management, project management


This paper deals with the problem of identifying and resolving strategic crises in business systems. Identifying strategic crises, based on the existing definitions of these crises, is often a matter of subjective interpretation, making it difficult to design and implement the necessary measures to resolve them. In this paper we define a new intellectual basis for the definition of strategic crisis and introduce the concept of a systemic strategic crisis. These are explained and defined as the cause of business strategic crises and the resulting operational crises. By defining the systemic strategic crises, we create the basis for introducing a holistic approach to solving strategic crises with the integration of strategic and project management acting on the concepts of systems thinking and creativity, which is briefly outlined in the proposed two-dimensional model of managing systems strategic crisis.


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Author Biographies

Igor Vrečko

Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, Slovenia

Igor Vrečko, Ph.D., is a lecturer of project management and organisation and management at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor. His research focuses primarily on project management and its integration with strategic and crisis management. He has extensive practical experiences gained through consultancy projects in many domestic and foreign companies. He is the director of the international project management certification process for Slovenia, the vice president of the Slovenian Project Management Association, official assessor of the national profession qualification for project manager, and assessor of research and developing projects under the Public Agency of Republic of Slovenia for entrepreneurship and foreign investments.

Matjaž Mulej


Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, Slovenia

Matjaž Mulej, Ph.D., PhD, is professor emeritus of systems and innovation theo- ries at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor. He authored Dialectical Systems Theory and Theory of Innovative Business. He is active in the IRDO Institute for Development of Social Responsibility, Maribor, Slovenia (head of experts bo- ard); the IASCYS International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences, Vienna (vice president); the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg (mem- ber); and the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Paris (member). He has published 1600+ contributions in 40+ countries and worked in 6 countries, including 15 semesters as a visiting professor.


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How to Cite
Vrečko I., & Mulej M. (2012). Mastering Systems Strategic Crises to Prevent Business Crises. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 58(5-6), 3-13. Retrieved from