The Environmental Creditworthiness Assessment Methodology

  • Vesna Čančer
  • Miroslav Rebernik
  • Jožica Knez-Riedl
Keywords: environmental creditworthiness assessment, enterprise, multi-criteria decision making, prescriptive approach, social responsibility


This paper aims to offer a review of existing theoretical bases of the measurement and assessment of environmental creditworthiness, particularly on the level of en- terprises. Its objective is also to examine the possibilities of the multicriteria assessment of environmental creditworthiness by enterprises themselves (“internal rating”). Following the prescriptive approach, it delineates the particularities of a frame procedure for the multi-criteria assessment of environmental creditworthiness. The credibility of ecoratings depends not only on the quality of information sources and the choice of sensible environmental indicators, but also on the transformation of data into local and aggregate values that are understandable to decision makers.


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Author Biographies

Vesna Čančer

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia

Vesna Čančer holds a PhD in economic and business sciences and is an associate professor of quantitative economic analyses at the University of Maribor’s Faculty of Economics and Business. Her research focuses mainly on multi-criteria decision making, creative problem solving, creditworthiness assessment, business process optimization, and environmental management. She has authored and co-authored a number of recent articles, book chapters, and papers.

Miroslav Rebernik

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business

Miroslav Rebernik, PhD, is a professor of business economics and entrepreneur- ship at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor. He was a visiting professor at Portland State University and a recipient of a Fulbright research fellowship at Babson College. He has participated in more than 80 national and in- ternational conferences. He participates in peer reviews and editorial boards for Business & Economics Review, Journal of Small Business Management, Internation- al Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, Economic Review: Journal of Economics and Business and the Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research. He is the head of the research program for Entrepreneurship for Innovative Society, leads the research team Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Slovenia, and is co-editor of Slovenian En- trepreneurship Observatory.

Jožica Knez-Riedl

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia

Jozica Knez-Riedl, PhD, is full professor of business economics, environmental economics, and responsible entrepreneurship lecturing at Slovenian and foreign uni- versities. In 2000, she published first Slovenian book about the topic as well as several papers in international scientific journals and other publications. She is a reviewer for international scientific journals. For her scientific work in the field of CSR and the promotion of CSR, she was awarded the HORUS award by the Slovenian Institute IRDO in 2009.


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How to Cite
Čančer V., Rebernik M., & Knez-Riedl J. (2013). The Environmental Creditworthiness Assessment Methodology. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 59(1-2), 66-74. Retrieved from