The Model of Employment: A Possible Solution to the Problem of Unemployment?

  • Eva Lorenčič
Keywords: unemployment, costs of unemployment, model of employment, solution to the unemployment problem


Unemployment inflicts costs on the government budget, on the unemployed individu- al, and on the society as a whole in many ways. The paper summarizes the findin- gs of published research on negative consequences of unemployment and as such founds the need to solve the problem of unemployment. It discusses the Model of Employment, which is a possible solution to the problem of unemployment and thus addresses the need to reduce the costs of unemployment. The crux of the model is a redistribution of the total number of workplaces and total annual working hours among the »new actively employed population«. The model takes into account the fact that there should be a match between the requirements of a workplace and the educational profile of a prospective employee.


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Author Biography

Eva Lorenčič

Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

Eva Lorenčič received her bachelor’s degree in economic and business sciences from the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business in July 2013. Her diploma thesis is titled “Solving the problem of unemployment”. She is currently a first-year graduate student of quantitative finance at Vienna University of Economics and Business. She is the co-author of the article “Boundary between risk and uncertainty for financial management and reporting”.


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How to Cite
Lorenčič E. (2013). The Model of Employment: A Possible Solution to the Problem of Unemployment?. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 59(5-6), 64-75. Retrieved from