Minimum Wage: Slovenia from the Perspective of the European Union

  • Suzana Laporšek
Keywords: minimum wage, labour market, economic policy, Slovenia, European Union


The aim of this paper is to present the purpose and objectives of the minimum wage, putting the Slovenian minimum wage into the context of the European Union. Every EU member state has one form of the minimum wage regulation. In most countries, including Slovenia, minimum wage is set at the national level by law or national co- llective agreement, meaning that all workers are eligible for the minimum wage. Re- garding the ratio between minimum and average wage, Slovenia ranks among countries with the highest minimum wage. According to the numerous empirical studies, Slovenia’s relatively high minimum wage might have adverse effects on the labour market outcomes, especially for vulnerable groups in the labour market, as well as productivity.


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Author Biography

Suzana Laporšek

Faculty of Management Koper, University of Primorska, Slovenia

Suzana Laporšek graduated from the International Relations Programme of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the International Economics Programme of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana. She continued her master’s study at the Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, where is currently a Ph.D. student studying economics. She is employed as a junior researcher and assistant at the Faculty of Management Koper, University of Primorska. Her research interests focus on labour market economics studies.


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How to Cite
Laporšek S. (2013). Minimum Wage: Slovenia from the Perspective of the European Union. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 59(5-6), 49-63. Retrieved from