Is Trust in Banks in Slovenia Put to the Test?

  • Sabina Taškar Beloglavec
  • Urban Šebjan
Keywords: trust, financial institution, bank, Slovenia, logistic regression


The question of the banking system’s stability in connection to trust since the 2008 crisis has been the subject of many debates seeking to find permanent solutions to banking system problems, as the current situation affects bank customers’ behavior. This article examined trust in banks during the financial crisis and offers, via demographic variables, explanations as tow whether or not customers tend to withdraw their deposits during a crisis. The results contribute to banks’ decision-making regarding deposits management and understanding customers’ behavior, especially during a crisis. The results show a negative relationship between trust and deposit withdrawal intention, where gender and education level play an important role.


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Author Biographies

Sabina Taškar Beloglavec

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business Maribor, Slovenia

Sabina Taškar Beloglavec is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Maribor. She completed her graduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics. She is active in other fields of interest, outside her major occupation, including economic subject curriculum development and supervision for secondary schools and high school at The National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. She has published several national and international articles and other publications (see IZUM – SICRIS, 20429).

Urban Šebjan

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business Maribor, Slovenia

Urban Šebjan is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Quantitative Economic Analysis and Organization and Informatics at the University of Maribor–Faculty of Economics and Business. He has long worked with Triglav Insurance Company. His research focuses primarily on quantitative methods, statistical analysis software, analytical CRM, and modern information technology. He is employed by the Faculty of Economics and Business as an assistant in the field of quantitative economic analysis.


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How to Cite
Taškar Beloglavec S., & Šebjan U. (2015). Is Trust in Banks in Slovenia Put to the Test?. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 61(3), 41-50. Retrieved from