Reduction of the Mean Hedging Transaction Costs

  • Miklavž Mastinšek
Keywords: derivatives, delta hedging, transaction costs, hedging error


Transaction costs of derivative hedging appear in financial markets. This paper considers the problem of delta hedging and the reduction of expected proportional transaction costs. In the literature the expected approximate proportional transaction costs are customarily estimated by the gamma term, usually the largest term of the associated series expansion. However, when options are to expire in a month or few weeks, other terms may become even larger so that more precise estimates are needed. In this paper, different higher-order estimates of proportional transaction costs are analyzed. The problem of the reduction of expected transaction costs is considered. As a result, a suitably adjusted delta is given, for which the expected approximate proportional transaction costs can be reduced. The order of the mean and the variance of the hedging error can be preserved. Several examples are provided.


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Author Biography

Miklavž Mastinšek

University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia

Dr. Miklavž Mastinšek is a professor of mathematics at the Department of Quantitative Economic Analysis at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor. He teaches mathematics and financial engineering at the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Maribor. His current fields of research cover stability methods of dynamical systems, functional analysis, financial derivatives analysis, and delta-gamma hedging techniques. Scientific results of his research have been published in internationally renowned scientific and professional journals of mathematics, finance, and operations research.


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How to Cite
Mastinšek M. (2015). Reduction of the Mean Hedging Transaction Costs. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 61(5), 23-31. Retrieved from