The Analysis of Barriers in Succession Processes of Family Business with the Use of Grey Incidence Analysis (Polish Perspective)

  • Ewa Więcek-Janka
  • Rafał Mierzwiak
  • Joanna Kijewska
Ključne besede: družinsko podjetje, siva incidenčna analiza, siva sistemska teorija


V prispevku predstavljamo izide raziskave o zaznavanju in ocenjevanju ovir, s katerimi se srečujejo nasledniki v družinskih podjetjih v prvem procesu nasledstva.V empirični analizi smo uporabili sivo sistemsko teorijo, ki smo jo ocenili kot enakovredno za analizo majhnih vzorcev in kvalitativno raziskavo. Pri pregledu literature in v empirični raziskavi smo se osredotočili na: a) identifikacijo ovir pri razvoju družinskih podjetij ter b) opredeljevanje perspektive nove generacije lastnikov v družinskih podjetjih, ki vstopajo v proces nasledstva, z empirično analizo ocenjene ravni tveganja v povezavi z družino in


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Biografije avtorja

Ewa Więcek-Janka

Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poljska

Ewa Więcek-Janka, Doctor of economics, MA in psychology, engineer of management, works at the Faculty of Engineering Management Poznan University of Technology, Marketing and Economic Engineering Department. She is a member of the Family Business Initiative, Association of Polish Engineers and Mechanics. She is the author of 98 publications, including books on applied management tools. She has participated in conferences abroad (Denmark, Sweden, Slovenia, USA, Italy) and has conducted in internship research and teaching in Finland, Mexico, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, and Slovakia.

Rafał Mierzwiak

Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poljska

Rafał Mierzwiak, Ph.D., focuses on research into applications of grey systems theory in management. In this area, his most important efforts are his publications in scientific magazines, such as Journal of Cleaner Production, Lecture Notes of Computer Science, and Grey Systems: Theory and Application. He received prizes for the best paper at the international conferences in Cracow and Leicester.

Joanna Kijewska

Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poljska

Joanna Kijewska, Ph.D. candidate in the Marketing and Economic Engineering Department at Poznan University of Technology, is completing her Ph.D. thesis on quality management of the integrated marketing communication. Her research interests center on the science of the quality, principles of marketing, and marketing management, especially the environmental scanning and quality of the marketing information system.


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Kako citirati
Więcek-Janka E., Mierzwiak R., & Kijewska J. (2016). The Analysis of Barriers in Succession Processes of Family Business with the Use of Grey Incidence Analysis (Polish Perspective). Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 62(2), 33-41. Pridobljeno od