India's Courts and Artificial Intelligence: A Future Outlook

  • Mohit Sharma Symbiosis International Deemed University, Symbiosis Law School
Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, judiciary, legal justice system, India


In recent years, the legal system has used artificial intelligence technology extensively. Artificial intelligence for judicial purposes is more efficient, knowledgeable, and impartial than human judges. It has its limitations, largely based on big data, algorithms, and computing power rather than organic intelligence. Judiciary artificial intelligence cannot completely replace human judges because of differences in conceptual framework, application scenario, and ability and potential. Unambiguously stating that judicial artificial intelligence is never a replacement for human judges is crucial. The study aims to investigate the legal issues and the various ways that AI impacts the legal system. The research methodology is qualitative, inductive and descriptive.


V zadnjih letih pravni sistem pogosto uporablja tehnologijo umetne inteligence. Umetna inteligenca je v sodne namene učinkovitejša, bolj kompetentna in nepristranska od človeških sodnikov. Ima svoje omejitve, saj večinoma temelji na velikih količinah podatkov, algoritmih in računalniški moči, ne pa na organski inteligenci. Umetna inteligenca v pravosodju ne more popolnoma nadomestiti človeških sodnikov zaradi razlik v konceptualnem okviru, scenariju uporabe ter sposobnosti in potenciala. Nedvoumna izjava, da sodniška umetna inteligenca nikoli ne bo nadomestila človeških sodnikov, je ključnega pomena. Namen študije je raziskati pravna vprašanja in različne načine, kako umetna inteligenca vpliva na pravni sistem. Metodologija raziskave je kvalitativna, induktivna in deskriptivna.


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Author Biography

Mohit Sharma, Symbiosis International Deemed University, Symbiosis Law School

Symbiosis International Deemed University, Symbiosis Law School, Noida, India, e-mail:


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How to Cite
Sharma M. (2023). India’s Courts and Artificial Intelligence: A Future Outlook. LeXonomica, 15(1), 99-120.