European Property Regimes Regulations – Choice of Law and the Applicable Law in the Absence of Choice by the Parties

  • Claudia Rudolf University of Vienna, Faculty of Law, Department of European, International and Comparative Law
Keywords: matrimonial property regimes, property consequences of registered partnerships, choice of the applicable law, consent and material validity, formal validity, the applicable law in the absence of choice by the parties, enhanced cooperation, renvoi, ordre public


The European Property Regimes Regulations for spouses and partners of registered partnerships are undoubtedly a step forward toward the unification of European rules on conflict-of-laws. However, in some questions they do not provide the desired predictability and legal certainty for spouses and partners of registered partnerships regarding their property. Furthermore, it is regrettable that the Regulations only oblige the Member States which are participating in the enhanced cooperation.

The article is based on an earlier contribution in German published in Zeitschrift für Europarecht, Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung 2017, pp. 171–182.


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Author Biography

Claudia Rudolf, University of Vienna, Faculty of Law, Department of European, International and Comparative Law

PhD, Associate Professor. Vienna, Austria, e-mail:


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How to Cite
Rudolf C. (2019). European Property Regimes Regulations – Choice of Law and the Applicable Law in the Absence of Choice by the Parties. LeXonomica, 11(2), 127-150.