Prenos pravila de minimis iz konkurenčnega prava na področje svoboščin notranjega trga EU
Transfer of the de minimis Rule from the Competition Law to the EU Internal Market Freedoms. The paper explores general characteristics and functions of the de minimis rule, its current application within the EU competition law and in the field of public procurement and discusses the application of this rule in the field of the internal market freedoms. It points out internal market cases in which the application of the de minimis rule was turned down as well as the growing number of EU Court's decisions ruling quite to the opposite. On the basis of theoretical commentaries of this rule the paper discusses advantages and disadvantages of the potential application of this rule in the internal market field. The authoress concludes that in the field of the EU internal market law the de minimis rule increases autonomy of the national authorities and hence strengthens democratic decision-making in the EU as a multi-level governance system. Through this rule the Member States preserve their competences in the market law field in respect of the rules that do not formally discriminate among domestic and imported goods, people and services, the aim of which is not to regulate trade between the Member States and the restrictive effect of which for the internal market is too uncertain and indirect for the measure to present a breach of the TFEU.
Prenos pravila de minimis iz konkurenčnega prava na področje svoboščin notranjega trga EU. Prispevek raziskuje splošne značilnosti in funkcijo pravila de minimis, njegovo obstoječo uporabo v okviru konkurenčnega prava EU in na področju javnega naročanja, nato pa presoja uporabo tega pravila na področju ekonomskih svoboščin notranjega trga. Izpostavlja tako primere, iz katerih izhaja, da pravilo de minimis ni združljivo z notranjim trgom, kot naraščajočo množico odločitev Sodišča EU, iz katerih izhaja ravno nasprotno. Na tej osnovi prispevek na osnovi teoretičnih komentarjev tega pravila diskutira o prednostih in slabostih potencialne uvedbe tega pravila na področje notranjega trga. Avtorica zaključuje, da v okviru notranjega trga EU pravilo de minimis povečuje avtonomijo nacionalnih oblasti in tako krepi demokratičnost odločanja v EU kot sistemu večstopenjskega vladanja. Preko tega pravila namreč države članice ohranijo pristojnosti na področju tržnega prava, kar zadeva pravila, ki formalno ne diskriminirajo med domačim in uvoženim blagom, osebami in storitvami, katerih namen ni urejati trgovine z drugimi državami članicami in katerih omejujoči učinki na delovanje notranjega trga so preveč nedoločljivi in posredni, da bi lahko obveznost iz te zakonodaje predstavljala kršitev PDEU.
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