Pogodbena ureditev avtorskopravnih upravičenj na arhitekturnih delih

  • Saša Krajnc Saša Krajnc, bachelor of laws, student of the doctoral study program at the Law Faculty of the University in Vienna
Keywords: copyright, architectural work, ownership rights, transfer of rights, engineering contract


Contractual Regulation of Copyright on Works of Architecture. The present article discusses the contractual regulation of copyright issues regarding works of architecture as works of applied art. Commonly, the architect is at slight disadvantage compared to other authors of artistic, scientific and literary works, and at the same time has a weaker position in relation to the client or proprietor of the architectural object at hand. The latter can, under certain circumstances, freely modify the architectural structure and adjust it to his functional needs. Through the eyes of the author, such interventions can present a grave infringement of his moral rights and mutilation of his reputation and good name. Precisely therefore it is of vital importance to the architect that the copyright issues, emerging from his relationship with the contractor, are exhaustively defined, thus avoiding potential unwanted interference with their work and consecutive disputes.

Članek obravnava pogodbeno ureditev avtorskopravnih vprašanj v zvezi z arhitekturnimi deli kot deli uporabne umetnosti. Zanje velja, da je arhitekt kot avtor praviloma postavljen v nekoliko slabši položaj kot ostali avtorji umetniških, znanstvenih in književnih del, obenem pa ima šibkejši položaj tudi v razmerju do naročnika oz. lastnika arhitekturnega objekta, ki lahko pod določenimi pogoji prosto posega v arhitekturni objekt in ga prilagaja svojim funkcionalnim potrebam. Takšni posegi lahko za avtorja pomenijo tudi grobo kršitev njegovih moralnih avtorskih pravic in okrnitev njegovega ugleda in imena. Prav zato je za arhitekte ključnega pomena, da avtorskopravna vprašanja, ki izhajajo iz razmerja z naročnikom, podrobno opredelijo in se s tem izognejo morebitnim neželenim posegom v svoje delo ter posledičnim sporom.


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Author Biography

Saša Krajnc, Saša Krajnc, bachelor of laws, student of the doctoral study program at the Law Faculty of the University in Vienna

Vienna, Austria. E-mail: sasa8.krajnc@gmail.com.


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How to Cite
Krajnc S. (2011). Pogodbena ureditev avtorskopravnih upravičenj na arhitekturnih delih. LeXonomica, 3(2), 233-250. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/lexonomica/article/view/1093