Sodobni izzivi pravnega varstva znanstvenih del : med avtorskopravnim monopolom in samoregulacijo v znanosti
Contemporary challenges of the legal protection of scientific works : at the crossroads between the copyright monopoly and self-regulation in science. Since the early 18th century, a legal monopoly has been granted to authors with regard to their creative work with the justification that such encourages learning and spreads knowledge. The development of new digital technologies, the globalisation and institutionalisation of science, and the expansion of the global economic crisis are three phenomena that have changed the basic principles of the protection of authors% rights to scientific works. The analysis of the latest trends in this paper suggests that the motivation to create scientific works derives not so much from enjoying a copyright monopoly but rather is being replaced with self-regulatory systems within institutional science. Such developments indirectly call into question the theoretical justification of the need for copyright protection of scientific works.
Povzetek. Glavni vodili vzpostavitve avtorskopravnega sistema, ki se nista spremenili vse od povojev avtorskega prava v začetku 18. stoletja, sta spodbuditi učenje in širiti znanje. V prispevku so identificirani trije pojavi, ki so v preteklem desetletju povzročili obrate v nekaterih temeljnih paradigmah, vezanih na avtorskopravno varstvo znanstvenih del. Analiza sodobnih trendov vodi do sklepa, da motivacija za ustvarjanje v znanosti vse manj izhaja iz koristi, ki jih avtorju (znanstveniku ali raziskovalcu) prinaša avtorskopravni monopol in da so to spodbudo v veliki meri nadomestili samoregulacijski sistemi znotraj institucionalne znanosti. Tak razvoj posredno postavlja pod vprašaj teoretično utemeljitev potrebe po avtorskopravnem varstvu znanstvenih del.
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