Präklusionswirkungen in außerstreitigen Antragsverfahren

Österreichisches Recht

  • Wolfgang Jelinek University of Graz,Institute for Austrian and International Civil Procedure, Bankruptcy and Agricultural Law
Keywords: non-contentious civil procedure, preclusion, inquisitorial principle, adversarial principle, parties’ collaboration, concentration of procedure, new facts and evidences, ius novorum


Preclusions in non-contentious civil procedures : Austrian law. The new Austrian Non-Contentious Civil Procedure Act has shown that there are good reasons to introduce the inquisitorial principle in kinds of non- contested procedures, even procedures regarding property and housing matters. Nevertheless the Austrian non-contentious civil procedure contains many adversarial elements, as the duty of the parties to collaborate in collecting facts and evidences. Moreover, the court also applies ius novorum, though in a very restrictive way, in order to concentrate the course of procedure. The party who does not adduce relevant facts in time can be precluded from adducing new facts and evidences. It is deemed that passive party acknowledges the facts of opposite party. However, that does not necessary prevent the court to investigate facts and circumstances of the case. For this reason one could say that in Austrian non-contentious civil procedure prevails the weakened inquisitorial principle.

Prekluzije v nepravdnih predlagalnih postopkih: avstrijsko pravo. Nov avstrijski zakon o nepravdnem postopku kaže, da obstajajo utemeljeni razlogi za uvedbo preiskovalnega načela v vseh nepravdnih postopkih, tudi v tistih, ki se začnejo na predlog in zadevajo stvarnopravne in stanovanjske zadeve. Kljub temu pa vsebuje avstrijski nepravdni postopek mnogo razpravnih elementov, kot npr. dolžnost strank, da sodelujejo s sodiščem pri zbiranju procesnega gradiva. Poleg tega velja v zelo omiljeni različici tudi prekluzija navajanja novot (ius novorum), seveda z namenom koncentracije in pospešitve postopka. Nepravočasno navajanje novih dejstev in novot ima lahko za neaktivnega udeleženca negativne posledice. Prav tako se šteje, da pasivna stranka priznava navedbe nasprotnega udeleženca, vendar pa to ne pomeni, da sodišče priznanih dejstev ne sme preizkusiti. Posledično je mogoče zaključiti, da velja v avstrijskem nepravdnem postopku oslabljeno preiskovalno načelo.


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Author Biography

Wolfgang Jelinek, University of Graz,Institute for Austrian and International Civil Procedure, Bankruptcy and Agricultural Law

Graz, Austria. E-mail:


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How to Cite
Jelinek W. (2021). Präklusionswirkungen in außerstreitigen Antragsverfahren. LeXonomica, 2(2), 283-303. Retrieved from