The Cross-Border Enforcement of Court Settlements within Brussels Ia Regulation: From a European and an Austrian Perspective

  • Philipp Anzenberger University of Graz, Faculty of Law
Keywords: court settlement, Brussels Ia Regulation, cross-border enforcement, recognition, scope, judgment, certificate, exequatur


Despite the enormous practical relevance of court settlements, the Brussels Ia Regulation contains only a few explicit provisions for the cross-border enforcement of this legal instrument. This can cause difficulties in borderline cases, for example when it is doubtful whether the legal act in question is to be classified as a settlement or a judgment or which specific European regulation is applicable to a settlement containing several different claims. This paper provides a general overview of the rules for the enforcement of court settlements under the Brussels Ia Regulation and examines some problems that may specifically arise in the case of cross-border enforcement of court settlements.


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Author Biography

Philipp Anzenberger, University of Graz, Faculty of Law

Dr. Philipp Anzenberger, Associate Professor at the Institute of Civil Procedure and Insolvency Law, University of Graz (Austria).

Graz, Austria. E-mail:


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How to Cite
Anzenberger P. (2020). The Cross-Border Enforcement of Court Settlements within Brussels Ia Regulation: From a European and an Austrian Perspective. LeXonomica, 12(2), 149-162.