Novi izzivi za trajnostni razvoj podeželja v 21. stoletju (2. del)
To je posebna izdaja Revije za geografijo, objavljena ob priložnosti 17. letnega kolokvija Komisije IGU za trajnost ruralnih sistemov z naslovom Novi izzivi za trajnostni razvoj podeželja v 21. stoletju, ki je potekal od 13. do 18. julija 2009 v Mariboru, Slovenija. V tej izdaji strokovnjaki iz Avstralije, Brazilije, Hrvaške, Italije, Poljske in Slovenije predstavljajo, analizirajo in razlagajo raznolikost načinov za izboljšanje kakovosti življenja na podeželskih območjih po vsem svetu.
Argent N., Tonts M., Jones R., & Holmes J. (2009). Rural Amenity and Rural Change in Temperate Australia: Implications for Development and Sustainability. Journal for Geography, 4(2), 15-28.
Hoefle S. W. (2009). A Life Histories Approach to Gold Prospecting and Frontier Farming in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal for Geography, 4(2), 29-36.
Konečnik Kotnik E. (2009). Sustainable Rural Development as an Educational Starting Point in General Grammar Schools in Slovenia. Journal for Geography, 4(2), 37-46.
Kerbler – Kefo B. (2009). The effect of factors of the socio-geographic structure of mountain farms on succession on these farms. Journal for Geography, 4(2), 47-60.
Feletar P. (2009). The Function Of Zagreb As A Factor Of The Transformation Of The Greater Zagreb Girdle – With A Separate Commentary On Daily Migration. Journal for Geography, 4(2), 61-70.
Klemenčič V., & Klemenčič M. (2009). The Slovene Countryside in Transition from Traditional to Market-Oriented Agriculture. Journal for Geography, 4(2), 71-86.
Dej M. (2009). Large Enterprises as a Factor Triggering Social and Economic Changes in the Polish Countryside outside Metropolitan Areas. Journal for Geography, 4(2), 87-102.
Stiperski Z., & Braičić Z. (2009). The Influence of War on the Dynamics of Unemployment in Banovina (Croatia). Journal for Geography, 4(2), 103-112.
Haslam McKenzie F. M. (2009). Farms and Mines: A Conflicting or Complimentary Land Use Dilemma in Western Australia? . Journal for Geography, 4(2), 113-128.
Ferrario V. (2009). Agropolitana: Countryside and Urban Sprawl in the Veneto Region (Italy) . Journal for Geography, 4(2), 129-142.
Podmenik Adam D., & Kerma S. (2009). Problems and Perspectives of Organic Farming in Slovene Istria. Journal for Geography, 4(2), 143-156.
Correia de Araújo A. P., & de S.M. Bicalh A. M. o. (2009). Cultural Landscape and Tourism on Historic Ranches of the Pantanal Wetlands of Brazil. Journal for Geography, 4(2), 157-166.
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