Organic Farming: A Solution to Agriculture Crisis or a “New” Trend to Healthy Eating? An Overview of French and British Farmers

Keywords: farm diversification, pluriactivity, organic agriculture, dairying


In recent years, the market for organic farming has significantly increased in response to concerns over food quality and environmental matters. Organic food is quite attractive for consumers and is often associated to quality, healthy and natural products in opposition to the more processed and artificial conventional food. Yet, farmers are less enthusiastic about this concept. This paper, issued from a survey with dairy farmers in two dairy areas in France (January 2000) and the UK (July 2002), review farmers attitude towards organic farming. Only a minority of farmers were in favour of organic farming while the others had concerns about organic farming as its concept goes against their belief: a farmer must produce food for the nation


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Author Biography

Annabelle Boulay, Kingston University, School of Geography, Geology and the Environment; Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom.



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How to Cite
Boulay A. (2010). Organic Farming: A Solution to Agriculture Crisis or a “New” Trend to Healthy Eating? An Overview of French and British Farmers. Journal for Geography, 5(1), 125-134.
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